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The Purpose of God’s Grace and Blessings


“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us— so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations.”

Psalms 67:1-2 NIV


There is a purpose for God’s grace and blessings upon us: to announce God’s ways and His salvation everywhere.


We are teaching our daughter to “don’t brag” to “don’t show off”. For example, when someone is coming over our place she often goes to her cousin to say: “A. is coming today. I cannot play with you guys because I will be playing with them”. They also do the same. This days ago, their family were going to a bakery and one of her cousins come just to say: “we are going to this bakery that has so yummy breads but you cannot come with us”.

In these cases, “showing off” is not good because it leaves the other person with the feeling of desiring to have or to do what was displayed to them, but they cannot.

However, God’s grace and blessing are accessible to all. So when we talk about what God have done for us, the blessings and miracles that He is doing in our lives, it is not bragging about something others cannot have, but it is with the purpose of giving others the knowledge of God’s ways, and the salvation that it is available for all.


Graciously Father, today Fumie and I complete 11 years since we formally started this relationship. Help us to keep glorifying you. In Jesus’ name, I pray.

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