1986年生まれ。ブラジルで生まれ育った日系ブラジル人。2000 年に受洗。2007年からブラジルで映像ミニストリーの働きを始動。 2008年には、ブラジルの大学でロボティクエンジニア科を卒業する も、神様に世界宣教を示され、ブラジルでの教会開拓、6ヶ月の宣教ト レーニング後、OM宣教船DOULOSに乗船。そこで現妻のふみえに出会 い、共に宣教の働きをする。DOULOS船とLOGOS HOPE船にて22ヶ国の 国を訪れ様々な宣教の働きをする。下船後の2012年に結婚、ブラジ ルに戻りFirst Baptist Church Curitibaにて、Christian education、ユー スミニストリーとクリスチャンチャンネルAlta tençaõの総監督となる。 2014年に、神様に召命を受け日本に宣教師として再び送り出され、 現在クリスチャンの証などを収録した映像ミニストリーの働きと( thegoodnews.jp )、NHYでは中高生の働きを担当。妻、ふみえとの間 にミシェリゆいという可愛い娘とハファエルとダンに恵まれる。 趣味はカメラ、サッカー。
He is Brazilian, born in 1986 and born again in 2000. In 2007, he started to be involved in film ministry. Graduated in Robotic Engineering in 2008, but was called into transcultural missions after that. After planting a church in Brazil and training for 6 months with OM Brazil, he joined Doulos through OM Ships. There he meets his wife and worked together in the ministry. He did ministry in 22 countries with Doulos and Logos Hope ships, ministering in a diversity of countries and cultures. He married Fumie in 2012 after finishing his commitment with OM Ships, returned to Brazil, and worked at his church back home, the First Baptist Church of Curitiba. He became the coordinator of the Christian education ministry for the young generation. At the same time, he was the producer and director of the TV show called “Alta Tensão”. In 2014, they decided to return into transcultural missions and God sent them to Japan as a missionary. Currently, he is producing Christian films on thegoodnews.jp and works to oversee the Equipping Area of New Hope Yokohama, which includes, teenagers and young adult ministry, training, and bible studies. They are part of a mission organization called Crossover Global which is focused on church planting among the unreached people. They are blessed with a cute daughter, Yui, and two handsome sons, Rafael and Dan.
Hobbies: soccer and photography.
1986年生まれ。ブラジルで生まれ育った日系ブラジル人。2000 年に受洗。2007年からブラジルで映像ミニストリーの働きを始動。 2008年には、ブラジルの大学でロボティクエンジニア科を卒業する も、神様に世界宣教を示され、ブラジルでの教会開拓、6ヶ月の宣教ト レーニング後、OM宣教船DOULOSに乗船。そこで現妻のふみえに出会 い、共に宣教の働きをする。DOULOS船とLOGOS HOPE船にて22ヶ国の 国を訪れ様々な宣教の働きをする。下船後の2012年に結婚、ブラジ ルに戻りFirst Baptist Church Curitibaにて、Christian education、ユー スミニストリーとクリスチャンチャンネルAlta tençaõの総監督となる。 2014年に、神様に召命を受け日本に宣教師として再び送り出され、 現在クリスチャンの証などを収録した映像ミニストリーの働きと( thegoodnews.jp )、NHYでは中高生の働きを担当。妻、ふみえとの間 にミシェリゆいという可愛い娘とハファエルとダンに恵まれる。 趣味はカメラ、サッカー。
He is Brazilian, born in 1986 and born again in 2000. In 2007, he started to be involved in film ministry. Graduated in Robotic Engineering in 2008, but was called into transcultural missions after that. After planting a church in Brazil and training for 6 months with OM Brazil, he joined Doulos through OM Ships. There he meets his wife and worked together in the ministry. He did ministry in 22 countries with Doulos and Logos Hope ships, ministering in a diversity of countries and cultures. He married Fumie in 2012 after finishing his commitment with OM Ships, returned to Brazil, and worked at his church back home, the First Baptist Church of Curitiba. He became the coordinator of the Christian education ministry for the young generation. At the same time, he was the producer and director of the TV show called “Alta Tensão”. In 2014, they decided to return into transcultural missions and God sent them to Japan as a missionary. Currently, he is producing Christian films on thegoodnews.jp and works to oversee the Equipping Area of New Hope Yokohama, which includes, teenagers and young adult ministry, training, and bible studies. They are part of a mission organization called Crossover Global which is focused on church planting among the unreached people. They are blessed with a cute daughter, Yui, and two handsome sons, Rafael and Dan.
Hobbies: soccer and photography.