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Where is the Love?


13 As you know, it was because of an illness that I first preached the gospel to you, 14 and even though my illness was a trial to you, you did not treat me with contempt or scorn. Instead, you welcomed me as if I were an angel of God, as if I were Christ Jesus himself. Galatians 4:13-14 ESV


Paul was welcomed with open arms when he first preached to the Galatians. The Galatians were so loving at first, and now that some time had passed, that love had grown cold. We, too have a tendency to have a tendency to let our love grow cold as we become “older” in the Church. But shouldn’t it be the opposite? Shouldn’t we be growing more loving and more godly as we become more like Christ? I mentioned being older in the church because I do know of such people, and I know I can be like that once in a while. Jesus warns us in Revelations to be either hot or cold for God. Let our love never grow cold for one another, even if they speak the truth that hurts in our lives. They are not the enemy. The enemy would rather you not change at all and keep on going as you are. Keep the waters calm and peaceful. Don’t shake anyone up, don’t make them feel that they need to change. But we are to encourage each other and push each other on to be more like Jesus – that is truly showing love!


To apply this, we must be intentional about maintaining our fervor and love for others in the church, even when faced with challenging truths. It involves reminding ourselves continually of the great commandment of love and practicing it actively, not allowing our hearts to grow cold or indifferent. It also means challenging each other in love to spur one another toward growth and godliness.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for Your Son Jesus! Thank you that you have sacrificed Your beloved Son and then raised Him up so that we have freedom in Your salvation and grace! Thank you! Thank You for Your Word to keep us loving each other through our journey to be more like Jesus. Help us to be open to hearing your Truth and being obedient to change. Help us to intentionally spur each other to be more like Jesus. Guide us, Holy Spirit, to those we need to encourage today in love! In Your Precious Name, Jesus. Amen!

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