‘If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. ‘
1 John 4:20 ESV
How can we say that we love God when we are afraid to share the Good News with others? We can say we love God, but that means that we should also love others because God loves them as well. If we are afraid of sharing the Good News with other people, we are saying we do not really love others. God has called us to love one another as He does. He has called us to share the Good News with others, for He has placed a Spirit of boldness in our hearts. He has given us a perfected love that overcomes all fear; therefore, we can share God’s love with others.
I know this has been and sometimes is still a difficult thing for me because I have often been overcome with fear of rejection. Fear that people will say that I’m a fanatic or weird. However, God has given and will give me the opportunities and the words to share with others. His love will drive out the fear to share His Good News. Let us trust in Him that He will guide us to those whom we should share the Good News with and be obedient to share His love for them through Jesus.
Heavenly Father, God Almighty,
Thank you so much for your words to me this morning. I confess that there are times when I am afraid of sharing the Good News for fear of rejection. I ask for your forgiveness, and please grant me your words to share. Please guide me to those that do not yet know you and help me to show your love to others. In Your Precious Name, Jesus. Amen!
もし、”私は神を愛している “と言いながら兄弟を憎む者があれば、その者は偽り者である。’
第一ヨハネ4:20 ESV