Let all that I am praise the Lord. O Lord my God, how great you are! You are robed with honor and majesty. Psalm 104:1 NLT
May the glory of the Lord continue forever! The Lord takes pleasure in all he has made!
Psalm 104:31
All of creation lives and praises God with how they live their life. By living out what they are on this earth, they give praises to God. We too give praise and glory to God when we live out the life that God has created us for. By being who we are created to be, by accepting God’s Will for our life and living to please God, do we glorify and praise God. As it states in Psalm 104:31, “God takes pleasure in all that He has made!” That means God takes pleasure in who are. We give Him glory in the life we live. Isn’t that great news?!
Therefore, we should be living life not worrying about whether we are praising Him or not. When we work as onto the Lord, we are praising Him. When we are studying, we are praising Him. When we eat, we are praising Him with thankful hearts as we enjoy the food He has provided. Let our lives be filled with gratitude that the Lord cares about every aspect of our lives. Let every aspect of what we do be as praise to Him who takes pleasure in us.
Our life will not be all perfect and wonderful, but let our attitude be that God still loves us and will be with us. Let us praise Him in those times as well. Let us learn that glorifying Him is living in the life He has blessed us with. There may be trials and struggle, but He says he will be with us. He will never forsake or leave us. (Deuteronomy 31:6.)
Lord Jesus, thank you so very much that through your death and resurrection you have restored your creation in relationship with You. Thank you for blessing us with life that we may glorify and praise you with our lives. Let us choose to follow your Will. Let us choose to allow our lives reflect Your Glory and Love. We praise you and give you all the glory and praise! In Your Name, Jesus. Amen!