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God is There in Your Adversity


““God is leading you away from danger, Job, to a place free from distress. He is setting your table with the best food. But you are obsessed with whether the godless will be judged. Don’t worry, judgment and justice will be upheld.”

Job 36:16-17 NLT


Elihu defends God by instructing Job that God is not turning away from Him, nor hiding. Rather, Job is going through this adversity as a way to keep him from danger. Job, steeped in his current station of adversity and pain, not only from his losses of family and property, but the attacks from his so-called “friends,” cannot see what God is really doing. From his position, Job can only see through a pinhole of what is happening, but missing the bigger picture beyond because of his obsession with proving himself righteous and judgement of the godless. Elihu is saying to Job to stop and look at what is really happening.

In movies where people get lost in a jungle or forest, of of the things they do is to look for high ground to get a wider perspective. They can a better picture of where they are and how they can get to safety. We will all go through adversity, and it is easy to get lost in it that we can make bad judgments and become defensive. God will sometimes bring us through these seasons to be a warning for us to wake up because we are headed for danger. Elihu understands this perpspective of God, that He is not a judge just waiting to punish us for our sin, conversely, He is our Savior that desires to save us from destruction.


Going through adversity instantly puts us into a defensive and survival mode. We do all that we can to get us out of the situation. We often turn to ourselves, but sometimes God will put us in situations too big for us to overcome through our own power. What then? I feel that God desires us to be still and come to God for help. He knows every detail of what is happening. He knows the way to peace and life. He wants us to seek Him and see that He will bring us through it. When we try to do it on our own we tend to make things worse. By coming to Him, putting our faith in His power and ability, we can began to see where He is leading and even His provision. Elihu says, “He (God) is setting your table with the best food.” Why? God wants to commune with us. He wants us to stop and converse with Him, amidst the adversity. In Psalm 23, it says, “You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings. (Psalms 23:5 NLT)”

God desires us to focus not on what challenge or trial we are facing as punishment for sin or God doesn’t like us. Rather, he is caring for us as any father would, by disciplining, guiding, and protecting us from destruction. 


Dear God Almighty, Savior, Caring and Loving Father, 

I praise you that even though I do not know what the entire of picture of my adversity is, You are there to guide me and even set a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You desire to commune and be our source of help. Thank you so much for your protection and care. Thank you for never forsaking us. I pray for those that are going through trials and adversity that You allow them to feel, hear, and see You. Thank you for loving us so much! I ask of this in Your Name, Jesus! Amen!



ヨブ記36:16-17 NLT





逆境に立たされると、私たちは瞬時に防御モード、生存モードに入ります。私たちは、その状況から抜け出すために、できる限りのことをします。私たちはしばしば自分自身に頼りますが、時には自分の力では乗り越えられないような大きな状況を神様が与えてくださることがあります。ではどうするか?神様は、私たちがじっとしていて、神様に助けを求めることを望んでおられるように感じます。神様は何が起こっているかを詳しく知っておられます。平安と命への道を知っておられます。神は、私たちが神を求め、神が私たちを乗り越えさせてくださることを望んでおられます。自分でやろうとすると、事態を悪化させる傾向があります。主のもとに来て、主の力と能力に信頼を置くことで、主がどこに導かれているのか、さらには主の備えを見ることができるようになります。エリフは、「彼(神)は、あなたの食卓に最高の食べ物を用意している」と言っています。なぜでしょうか?神は私たちと交わりたいのです。逆境の中でも、立ち止まって神と会話することを望んでおられます。詩篇23篇には、「あなたは、私の敵の前で私のために祝宴を設けてくださいます。あなたは私の敵の前で私のために祝宴を設け、私の頭に油を注いで私を誉めてくださいます。私の杯は祝福であふれています。(Psalms 23:5 NLT)」とあります。





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