‘Now when Simon saw that the Spirit was given through the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money, saying, “Give this authority to me as well, so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit.” But Peter said to him, “May your silver perish with you because you thought you could acquire the gift of God with money! You have no part or share in this matter, for your heart is not right before God. ‘ Acts 8:18-21 NASB
Check your intentions. Even godly intentions outwardly will be exposed through the Holy Spirit. Simon the Magician desired the authority to lay hands on others to receive the Holy Spirit. He has now seen true power through the miracles and signs that Philip did in Samaria as he preached the kingdom of God and the good news of Jesus.
He saw that his own “tricks” were nothing compared to what God was doing through Philip. He coveted that power and let his jealousy and envy of Philip’s power change the lives of the people in Samaria.
God desires that we are to check our hearts and intentions for desiring things that may seem godly but could ruin us if we received them. We may end up using them for our glory, not God’s.
God answers our prayers; however, it should be our intentional practice to check our hearts before asking God anything. God desires his children to come to him to ask anything of him. But we must also be ready to understand when His answer is “no” or “wait.” The very thing we may be asking for maybe a dangerous request, and God knows that. James 4:3 says, “You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.” Let us trust that God will provide for us and do it according to His timing. Let us check our intentions. God is the Good Father and gives us what will help His children.
Heavenly Father, you are so good! Thank you for always having our best in mind. We come before you and thank you for providing for us and for answering our prayers. We put our trust in you that you know our requests and what the result will be should you bless us with them. We come to you and ask for whatever it is that we need to bring glory to Your Name today. We ask for your guidance to help us build our faith in You, to understand Your will. Holy Spirit, guide our minds in wisdom and shed the light of truth upon our motives and intentions so that we can come before God with an honest and pure heart. We love you, Jesus, and ask of this in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
シモンは、使徒たちが手を置くことによって御霊が与えられるのを見て、彼らに金を差し出し、「私にもこの権威を与えてください。しかし、ペテロは彼に言った、「あなたがたは、神の賜物を金で手に入れられると思ったのだから、銀も一緒に滅びますように!」。あなたの心は神の前で正しくないのです。使徒言行録8:18-21 NASB
神は私たちの祈りに答えてくださいます。しかし、神に何かを求める前に、私たちの心を確認することを意図的に実践すべきです。神様は、自分の子供たちが神様のところに来て、何でも尋ねることを望んでおられます。しかし、私たちは、神の答えが “ノー “あるいは “待て “であることを理解する準備をしなければなりません。私たちが求めているものは、もしかしたら危険な要求かもしれませんし、神はそれをご存知です。ヤコブ4:3は、「あなたがたは、求めても受け取らないのは、それを自分の情熱のために使おうとして、間違った求め方をしているからです。私たちは、神が私たちを養い、神のタイミングに合わせてくださることを信じましょう。私たちの意図を確認しましょう。神は良き父であり、子供たちのためになるものを与えてくださいます。