“So the people went away to eat and drink at a festive meal, to share gifts of food, and to celebrate with great joy because they had heard God’s words and understood them.”
— Nehemiah 8:12 NLT
After hearing God’s word and not only hear but really allowing the Word of God to penetrate our hearts, should be a time for celebration. His revelation to us should be a refreshment to our souls that is meant to be shared also in fellowship.
I know we often celebrate after Sunday service through fellowship, but it should not stop there but be part of our regular week. In Acts 2 Christians made regular meetings,” They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Acts 2:42 NASB We need to get together more often throughout the week to encourage and pray for each other. We also should share what God is speaking to us about and other insights that He gives us! For me, it is confirmation that we should be having move house-churches. More involvement in our neighbors’ lives through feeding on God’s Word, food, and fellowship. I would like to encourage us to consider doing house church but not stopping there and inviting others throughout the week to encourage each other.
“And let’s consider how to encourage one another in love and good deeds, not abandoning our own meeting together, as is the habit of some people, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.”
Hebrews 10:24-25 NASB
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you so much for your Word! Help us to understand your word and also celebrate it! Allow us to continue to meet frequently to find encouragement through Your Word, what you are doing in others’ lives, and prayer. Please guide us and provide us with the means to do this whether it is through house-churches or informal gatherings. Please be the center of our meetings. We love you and ask of this in Your Name, Jesus! Amen!
– ネヘミヤ記8:12 NLT
私たちは日曜礼拝の後、交わりを通してお祝いすることが多いと思いますが、それはそこで終わりではなく、普段の週の一部であるべきなのです。使徒言行録2章では、クリスチャンたちは定期的に集会を開いていました。”彼らは絶えず使徒たちの教えと交わりとパンを裂くことと祈りとに心を砕いていた。” 使徒2:42 NASB 私たちは、一週間を通してもっと頻繁に集まり、互いに励まし合い、祈り合う必要があります。また、神が私たちに語っておられることや、神が私たちに与えてくださる洞察を分かち合うべきです。私にとっては、引っ越しチャーチが必要であることを確認するものです。神様の御言葉、食べ物、交わりを通して、隣人の人生にもっと関わることができるのです。ハウス・チャーチだけでなく、一週間を通して他の人を招き、互いに励まし合うことを考えたいと思います。
ヘブル人への手紙10:24-25 NASB