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By His Example


“If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.”

John 13:14-15 ESV


Jesus led by example. He wanted His disciples to understand that though He was the Messiah and the Son of God, He was also a servant. He gave us an earthly example to follow. He wanted us to not just know to love one another, but to show we love one another. If the God of the Heavens as 100% human would be able to humble Himself to wash the feet of His disciples, we are not so glorious to not follow in His example.


These days I have been following a pretty down-to-earth bodybuilder Tiktok influencer. His teaching and techniques are not really new or groundbreaking by any means, but what strikes most of his followers, including myself, is his relatableness and heart to encourage others. He leads a life by example, that all he says is mirrored by the life he leads. I’m not by any means desiring to be an influencer on Tiktok, though the thought had crossed my mind. No, but just as Jesus has taught us, we should be leading a life as an influencer for Christ, not for us to look good, but to serve others and bring others to know Jesus.  

Serving others is Jesus’ request of His followers. He set the example and we are to look to Him for direction. I admit that it is difficult to do this on my own strength and will. There is always pride, feelings for recompensation, or even just flat out selfishness with my time and resources. I must remember to go to Christ for the love, patience, humility, and strength to serve others, when I don’t want to. I still must be obedient to Jesus’ instruction and follow His leading. 


Dear Jesus, thank you for showing us how to serve others through your own example. Thank you for not being only words but actions that we can relate to and also follow. I pray for your strength, courage, humility, love and patience to serve others when I don’t feel like it. It was never about feelings but about doing the will of the Father. I thank you so much. I ask for your forgiveness when I have turned others away and refused to serve them because I was prideful, selfish, or lazy. I repent and ask that you speak to my heart to whom I should be serving. I love you and thank you again for showing us your love, mercy, and care! I ask for you help and to stir the hearts of your disciples to reach out to help and serve others, especially in these times where the coronavirus has caused us to be distant from each other. Help us to reach out to serve others while the world is telling us to serve ourselves. Please grant us the resources we need to do the work you have for us. We love you Jesus! In Your Name, Jesus. Amen!

ヨハネの福音書 13:14-15 ESV



愛するイエス様、ご自身の模範を通して、人に仕える方法を示してくださったことを感謝します。言葉だけではなく、私たちが共感し、また従うことができるような行動をしてくださってありがとうございます。私がそうしたいと思わないときでも、人に仕えることができるように、あなたの強さ、勇気、謙虚さ、愛、忍耐を祈ります。それは決して感情ではなく、父の御心を実行するためです。私はあなたに心から感謝します。私が高慢であったり、利己的であったり、怠惰であったりしたために、他の人を遠ざけたり、仕えることを拒んだりしたときには、あなたの赦しを求めます。悔い改め、誰に仕えるべきか、私の心に語りかけてくださるようお願いします。私はあなたを愛しています。あなたの愛、慈悲、配慮を私たちに示してくださったことに改めて感謝します。特に、コロナウイルスの影響で私たちがお互いに距離を置いているこの時代に、他の人を助け、奉仕するために手を差し伸べるよう、あなたの助けを求め、あなたの弟子たちの心をかき乱していただきたいと思います。世界が私たちに自分自身に奉仕するように言っている間に、私たちが他者に奉仕するために手を差し伸べることができるように助けてください。あなたが私たちのために用意された仕事をするために必要な資源を私たちに与えてください。私たちはあなたを愛しています。In Your Name, Jesus. アーメン!

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