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All Things to All People


“To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings.”

1 Corinthians 9:22-23 ESV


Paul stresses that he became part of different communities, and spheres of influence in order to share the gospel with them. Just because he is a follower of Christ, doesn’t mean he is better than anyone that he separated himself from others because of his “status.” The Pharisees, kept themselves from associating with anyone they felt were “sinners” or “Samaritans.” Paul desired to make the Gospel available to all. He said he became, “all things to all people”, to share the Gospel, but not to mistaken that he did things that was against the Law or sinful, as it says in the Bible, to be in this world but not of it (John 15:19). Jesus ate with sinners but not taking part in the sinful actions they did. 


We are to also remember that being a Christian doesn’t mean we are to keep our association only with other Christians. Yes, we are to keep ourselves from taking part in things that do not please God, but we are to make ourselves available to share the Gospel. While we are in our schools, workplaces, clubs, or anywhere we find ourselves, we are not to act smug like we are “above” anyone else, rather we are to let the light of God shine in our life such that people see something different and may lead to an opportunity to share the Gospel. Let us be out in this wonderful world as light and salt giving the flavor of Christ to this world hungry for hope and thirsting for love. 


Lord Jesus, thank you for being an example of what we are to follow. Help us to have a heart for the lost. We ask that you keep us from thinking that we are higher than others that we are picky about sharing the Gospel with certain people. Let our hearts be sensitive to opportunities you are giving us to share your love with those you put before us, no matter who they may be. For you have chosen them as y have chosen us. We love you so much and thank you first sharing your love with us so we can share it with others. In Your Precious Name, Jesus! Amen!

1コリント9:22-23 ESV

パウロは、福音を伝えるために、さまざまな共同体や勢力圏の一員となったことを強調しています。キリストに従っているからといって、誰よりも優れているからといって、自分の “地位 “のために他の人と自分を分けたわけではありません。ファリサイ派の人々は、”罪人 “や “サマリヤ人 “と思われる人とは付き合わないようにしていました。パウロは、すべての人に福音を届けたいと願っていました。福音を伝えるために「すべてのものをすべての人に」になったと言いましたが、聖書にあるように「この世にいてもこの世のものではない」(ヨハネ15:19)というように、自分が律法に反することや罪深いことをしたと勘違いしないようにしました。イエスは罪人と一緒に食事をしましたが、彼らが行う罪深い行為には参加しませんでした。


主イエスよ、私たちが従うべき模範となってくださったことを感謝します。私たちが失われた人々に心を寄せることができるように助けてください。私たちが他の人よりも偉いと思って、特定の人に福音を伝えることにこだわりを持たないようにしてください。私たちの心が、あなたが私たちの前に置いた人たちにあなたの愛を伝えるために与えられた機会に敏感であるようにしてください。あなたが私たちを選んだように、彼らを選んでくださったからです。私たちはあなたをとても愛しています。そして、あなたの愛を私たちと分かち合ってくださることに感謝します。あなたの尊いお名前で、イエス様! アーメン

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