“So I always take pains to have a clear conscience toward both God and man.”
— Acts 24:16 ESV
Our conscience is the moral or ethical principle that governs our thoughts and actions. I know there are times when alarms go off in my mind and heart that by proceeding in the direction I am going will go against my faith in Christ or the moral truths He has written in my heart. These alarms are placed there to keep me from sin or regret. Paul says he took “pains to have a clear conscience toward both God and man.”
God desires that we too, live godly lives that are guided by the light of the Holy Spirit. So just because we are saved by grace, it doesn’t mean we can turn on the auto-pilot to live life however we please because we are covered by grace. Nor does it mean by being good we will be right with God. Paul explains that he does his best to live according to His faith in Christ.
I know I need to be as vigiliant as possible as to living a life of integrity. Paul had no worries about the accusations made against him. Nothing could stick to him because he lead a life of integrity. This means:
- I need to be sensitive to when things feel off and might put me in place of compromise. This is especially in areas of weakness or times I am emotionally off-balanced. The Bible says the devil waits like a lion, ready pounce when the opportunity arises. I know when I have messed up, oh boy did all the accusations come up! The devil is patient and just because we cannot sense him stalking us, doesn’t mean he isn’t. Therefore, I need to be on-guard at all times.
- Be honest about weaknesses and seek help. In this day we are taught that weakness is bad. We seem to always have to be putting our IG face forward, so to speak. By having someone we can confide in and pray for us, will help us to live a life of integrity. By knowing where we are weak we can know when to back off or run. We can have someone to help us through our struggles and encourage us to live a life that we can say our conscience is clear.
Heavenly Father, thank you for your grace that covers over our sins and past. You have given us the Holy Spirit to guide us and your truths are written on our hearts. Please continue to be with us in times when we struggle and falter. We are grateful for your grace and love. We love you and thank you! In Your Name, Jesus! Amen