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With Pure Hearts


“Everything is pure to those whose hearts are pure. But nothing is pure to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, because their minds and consciences are corrupted.”

— Titus 1:15 NLT


When you are having a bad day, it seems everything is affected because of your state of mind. There is suddenly more traffic, the coworker that you have challenges with seems to be extra irritating, or minor irritants become bigger than they really are. Why? Your heart condition. Whatever your heart condition is, that is how you will view things. Paul warns Titus that he is going to have to deal with those who are rebellious and share a different gospel. Somewhere along the line, their hearts were corrupted, and thus their teaching and how they view things followed suit. 

Paul is calling us to also check our heart condition for it will affect how we see things. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” It will affect how we address decisions, and relationships, as it says, “everything you do flows from it.” What can we do to keep our hearts pure?


First of all, we need to come to the one who can wash away our sins, Jesus. We need to come before Him to repent. Not only once, but daily or even as much as possible. By confessing and repenting, we will allow God’s grace to cleanse our hearts. 1 John 1:9 reads “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 

Next is keeping our hearts, mind, and consciences clean. God has filled us with the Holy Spirit to warn you of things that are against what He wants for you. He tells us that what we are doing is going to lead us somewhere we shouldn’t go. Listen and obey! If you remain sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, you will avoid corruption. Be open and willing to obey! 

If you know what is your weakness, stay away, far away! If we say we can resist when the temptation comes, we are wrong. Maybe the first few times you are ok. But soon enough you will succumb, so stay away. 2 Timothy 2:22 reads, “Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.”


Dear God Almighty, we come before you and ask for your forgiveness. We ask for your guidance when we are tempted. Help us to flee and pursue righteousness. Please purify our hearts and let us share your goodness with those around us. Thank you for Jesus and for the sacrifice that freed us. We love you Jesus and ask all of this in your name, Jesus. Amen!




– テトス1:15 NLT






次に、私たちの心、精神、良心を清く保つことです。神は、私たちを聖霊で満たして、神があなたに望んでおられることに反することを警告してくださっています。私たちがしていることは、行ってはならないところに私たちを導くものだと、聖霊は教えてくださいます。耳を傾け、従いましょう もしあなたが聖霊の導きに敏感であり続けるなら、あなたは堕落を避けることができるでしょう。心を開いて、喜んで従いましょう

自分の弱点が何であるかを知っているなら、遠く離れていなさい! もし私たちが、誘惑が来ても抵抗できると言うなら、それは間違っています。多分、最初の数回は大丈夫でしょう。しかし、すぐに屈服してしまうので、近づかないようにしましょう。2テモテ2章22節には、「若い時の悪い欲望から逃れ、純粋な心で主を呼び求める人々と共に、義、信仰、愛、平和を追い求めなさい」と書かれています。



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