“And the people were shouting, “The voice of a god, and not of a man!” Immediately an angel of the Lord struck him down, because he did not give God the glory, and he was eaten by worms and breathed his last.”
— Acts 12:22-23
Herod took what was not his to take. He knew God’s Word yet because of the praises of the people, he took the glory that should have been God’s. This was to serve as a warning to those that may put the one’s desire for praises and acclaim over God. Paul and Barnabas were in a similar situation, yet refused the claim to glory or identification as gods.(Acts 14:8-18).
When receiving gratitude or praise is important but to what extent am I willing to go to get it? Stealing glory from God is taking the praise due to Him and receiving it as our own. We are blessed with talents and abilities and they are to be used for the glory of God and not our selves. It is not wrong to receive thanks but we are also to give credit to the one who inspired us and blessed us with the ability.
For me personally,
I need to be careful about preaching. I know I have been blessed but I need to be extremely careful of two things.
1) Taking credit for the inspiration. All that comes from my mouth was inspired by God. He gave me the words and I use the ability and opportunity I have to deliver it. It is God’s message. I can receive the thanks for delivering His message but the contents are His.
2) Doing things for the praises of people rather than glorifying God. We are cautioned with examples of false prophecies. God blasts those who preach things He did not say. I need exercise caution with saying things only to please people and not what God is telling me to say. By following what pleases people is a slippery path that can lead me astray from faith in God to faith in myself.
Dear Lord God Almighty, I praise you for granting me the opportunity to share Your Message with others. I know it carries a high responsibility and I ask for your forgiveness when I have taken glory from You. I choose to humble myself and give you the proper credit. Additionally, I ask for the strength and boldness to share what You tell me to share though it may not make people feel good or happy. Help me to seek first Your Kingdom and share Your Message accurately with boldness. I love you and ask of this in Your Name, Jesus. Amen!