“Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge, which some have professed and in so doing have departed from the faith. Grace be with you all.” 1 Timothy 6:20-21 NIV
The letter to Timothy is rich in advices, specially for those who are starting in the ministry or those who are young and serving God. Even thou I am probably 10 years older than Timothy, there still much to learn in the letters sent to him.
Paul finishes this letter with these words: “guard what has been entrusted to your care”.
Often we worry and start to wander on many other things that we loose the focus of the task we actually need to do: the calling that God has given us.
One sentence that has a huge mark my home church is a phrase my youth pastor used to tell us:
“People are more important than things”.
I always remember these words, when I’m loosing my focus. I get easily distracted and occupied with solving problems related to things, technical, logical, reasoning, then sometimes I need to remember it.
In theory, we all know that is true and very obviously but the time that we are catch out of guard is when we truly show the values we stand for.
These are the times we are not feeling well physically, or mentally exhausted, or emotionally broken. Then, something happen… do we always choose to care for the person, rather than anything else?
I believe that God has entrusted us people to care. it is Not about tasks or goals to be accomplished (they are important and it is part of our lives, but they aren’t the main subject of our calling).
Who are the people that God has entrusted you?
Dear Father in heaven, help me to guard what has been entrusted to me, help me to care for people around me and always remember that people are more important than things. Thank you for your kindness towards me. Love you.