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The Impossible to Me Now


“This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: Once again old men and women will walk Jerusalem’s streets with their canes and will sit together in the city squares. And the streets of the city will be filled with boys and girls at play. “This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: All this may seem impossible to you now, a small remnant of God’s people. But is it impossible for me? says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.
Zechariah 8:4-6 NLT


Zechariah’s prophecies take place in a post-exilic world, after the fall of Jerusalem.

This verse prophecies and portraits an event very different from what we can imagine for a post-war place: old men and woman seating together in the city squares, and children playing on the streets.

The city was in ruins. Although both Zechariah and Nehemiah are from the post-exilic period, Zechariah’s prophecy is about 80 years before God calls Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of the city. During Nehemiah’s time, he mentions how hard was to walk inside the city because of the rubble.

For the people at that time, it was impossible to see the prophecy of Zechariah coming though, however, what seems impossible to us, is nothing for God.


When we are facing hardships, we only can see the rubbles, the ruins, and the destruction that it is causing us.

But what God promises us, will always become true.

When we can only see the present and past, the devastation, the disaster, the brokenness, God sees hope, joy, healing, and the future.

Even when the changes we need are impossible in our eyes, to God it is not.

Our struggles are an exercise of faith: to believe that God can transform all the bad things that happened into good.


Lord of Heaven’s Army, thank you that you make what seems impossible to me, possible by the faith we trust in you. Help me to see the impossible situations in my life becoming possible through your promises. In Jesus’ name, I pray.

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