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‘If you will remain in this land, then I will build you up and not pull you down; I will plant you, and not pluck you up; for I relent of the disaster that I did to you. Do not fear the king of Babylon, of whom you are afraid. Do not fear him, declares the Lord , for I am with you, to save you and to deliver you from his hand. ‘

Jeremiah 42:10-11


God had allowed Babylon to defeat Jerusalem. With the Israelites in exile, the remaining leaders began to seek the Lord through Jeremiah. Jeremiah returns with an unexpected answer from the Lord. That answer was to stay in Babylon and live, not under oppression, but under the care of the Lord. All they needed to do is trust in the Lord, that He would be with them and help them not just survive, but thrive where they were.

When we accept Jesus as our Lord, God will take us from situations that we once were in and “replant” us in a new life with Him. Often after the initial exhilaration of being saved, we are faced with a decision to trust and follow Him no matter the storms we may face, or go back to our old life. Of course, going back to the old life would be “comfortable”, but God has taken us out of that not for our comfort, but to help us to thrive in His love. By going back, we are choosing to “uproot” ourselves and “replant” ourselves back into a former life of which will only lead to our death.

God desires that we choose to trust Him, even if what we face is challenging and difficult because He will be with us. We need to trust that where God has planted us, is all for our best. Should we continue to trust in Him, we will become fruitful and thrive like a tree planted by water (Jeremiah 17:7-8).


Some questions to ask me. What is the condition of the environment I am in? Am I producing fruit that is aligned with being planted by God? I have to keep these at the forefront of my mind because I know there are times that challenge me to fall back into the life I used to live. It is said that your results are perfectly produced by the environment. If I am truly in alignment with God, my results – fruits, would show that. If not, I need to check my environment. Do I need to weed, prune, fertilize, or even check the water source? I know God has planted me where I should be and has given me every opportunity to flourish. I need to choose to trust in Him and not go back to places where the waters will bring death. 


Dear God Almighty, 

Thank you for your mercy and grace. I know I deserve death, yet because of your mercy and love through Jesus, you have replanted me. Lord, please forgive when I have reached out to drink of streams of my past that only lead to death. I am so grateful for your care and love. I choose to put my trust in You. In Your Name, Jesus. Amen!



エレミヤ書 42:10-11








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