“He said, ‘Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.’ When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.” John 21:6 NIV
There was two miraculous catch of fish registered in the Bible.
The first is registered in Luke 5:4, and the verse above is the second.
“When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.’” Luke 5:4 NIV
Both have some kind of connection to Peter.
In the first miraculous catch of fish, Peter recognized Jesus to be the Messiah and him unworthy to be in Jesus’ presence. Jesus called Peter to be his disciple.
The second occasion happens after Jesus’ resurrection. And this time was a time of healing to Peter’s heart and a calling to the ministry.
It is interesting that on both occasions, the first time Peter saw Jesus and believed in him, and one of the last times that Peter would encounter him was around similar miracles.
I think sometimes Jesus brings us back those memories, memories of our past experiences with Him, situations of trust, the surrender, the dependency, the miracles, his grace, and mercy, not to be nostalgic about it, but to remember about our journey with him and how far we have come.
Maybe when Peter relived that scene and realized that who was speaking to Him was Jesus again, he could not contain himself and just rush back to Jesus.
There will always be new experiences with God happening, more horizons to explore in discovering his glory. We will be more and more amazed while we continue to walk towards him.
Jesus, today is the day before Christmas, the celebration of your coming to this Earth. But to remember the reason why you came must happen every day in our lives. Help us to bring back to memory all that happened into our journey with you so far and let us live in the expectation of your second coming. In your name, I pray.