“Yet they cannot redeem themselves from death by paying a ransom to God. Redemption does not come so easily, for no one can ever pay enough”
Psalms 49:7 and 8
The sons of Korah wrote these Psalms after seeing how much their father loved wealth. Wealth can pay for things, but wealth cannot buy redemption. Can one pay for their redemption by doing good things? Can one pay for their redemption with their status? Can one pay for redemption by being a good person? It matters nothing for us to try offer anything to gain our redemption.
The Psalmists stress their is only one way to do this and that is by the ultimate sacrifice of God’s own Son to be sacrificed. Even offering the blood of sacrificed animals could not do what only the Son of God could do. We are saved through Jesus – that’s it. Our wealth or works will not do it, it is our faith in the saving grace that Jesus offers that is the Priceless Redemption.
It is still an issue that I still carry with me to feel forgiven by doing good works. Like the works that I do will please God and make Him forget the wrong I have done. So wrong! In Ephesians 2:8-9 it reads, “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.” It is a gift, paid in full by Jesus’ blood. We are forgiven and redeemed from our past, present, and future sins. It has all been covered! What an undeserved gift from God to us!
When we get into the mode to try to do things to make up for wrongs we have done to feel “good enough” to be forgiven, it is a trap! We are already good enough! The way things are done here in this world may call for us to make it up or pay for our mistakes, but that should never be applied to our relationship with God.
Lord Jesus, thank you so much for what you have done for us on the cross. We look forward to Easter to worship you for your sacrifice, the priceless cost you paid to redeem us. Help us to remember the grace we have been given. Help us to live a full of faith in that stir us to good works, but let us never fall to the lie that we are saved by our works. Thank you so much Jesus! We worship and praise you for what you have done! Hosanna! Hosanna! Thank you for saving us! In your Precious Name, Jesus! Amen!
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