But he did not answer her a word. And his disciples and came and begged him, Saying, “Send her away, for she is crying out after us.” He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” But she came and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, help me.” Then Jesus answered her, “O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire.”
Matthew 15:23-25, 28. ESV
This woman, though a Canaanite, begged for Jesus’ help. He tested her and she kept on crying out in faith that Jesus could heal her daughter. Jesus did not say anything to her the first time. She kept on pressing. His reply would have stopped her pleading, but she persisted. She would not give up. Only Jesus could save her daughter. He was the only option. Jesus healed so many people and drove out demons, she would not give up on begging him until He did something. How many of us would be turned away by Jesus when He doesn’t answer us the first, second, third time we ask? Would we persist like this woman? Do we have faith that Jesus can do something about the situation we are in so we persist to seek Him? Or do we look somewhere else when God is silent?
In the same way our faith needs to be persistent. “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not see.” Hebrews 11:1 We too, need to be pursuing the Lord knowing that He will not only answer us, but He is a good Father who knows our needs and gives good gifts. We need to have the faith that God can and will do something about it. When it seems like He is not answering, keep having faith in Him that He will help. Though it may seem like nothing is happening, keep praying. Keep coming before God, seek Him, ask Him, and knock. Faith is not built by the immediate receiving of all we ask for. Rather it is the persistent trust in the One who can do all things, and assurance in what we hope for in Christ.
Lord Jesus, help us to develop a deeper and more persistent faith like this woman begging for her daughter’s life. Let us have a heart that trusts in your help and not seek others when it seems you are not answering. Help us to be patient for your answer and have a trust that is beyond what we can see in the present. Thank you for your love, faith, and especially patience with us. Help us to seek you more and to ask, seek, and knock and wait upon Your answer. We love you and ask of this in your name, Jesus! Amen!
しかし、彼は一言も彼女に答えなかった。弟子たちが来て彼に頼んだ。「彼女を追い払ってください。彼は答えた “私はイスラエルの家の失われた羊のためだけに 遣わされたのです” しかし、彼女は来て彼の前にひざまずいて言った、「主よ、私を助けてください」。すると、イエスは彼女に答えられた。「女よ、あなたの信仰はすばらしい。あなたの望みどおりになるように。”
マタイ15:23-25, 28. ESV
それと同じように、私たちの信仰も粘り強くなければなりません。”信仰とは、期待されることの保証であり、見えないことの確信です。” ヘブル11:1 私たちも、主が私たちに答えてくださるだけでなく、主は私たちの必要を知り、良い贈り物をしてくださる良き父であることを知って、主を追い求めなければなりません。私たちは、神が何かできる、何かしてくれるという信仰を持つ必要があります。主が答えてくださらないように見えるときも、主が助けてくださるという信仰を持ち続けてください。何も起こっていないように見えるかもしれませんが、祈り続けてください。神の前に出て、神を求め、神に尋ね、ノックし続けましょう。信仰は、求めたものをすぐに受け取ることによって築かれるものではありません。むしろ、すべてのことを成し遂げられる方への持続的な信頼と、キリストにあって私たちが希望することへの確信が信仰です。