‘“His purpose was for the nations to seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him—though he is not far from any one of us. For in him we live and move and exist. As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’ And since this is true, we shouldn’t think of God as an idol designed by craftsmen from gold or silver or stone.’
Acts of the Apostles 17:27-29
Paul is saying that God designed us to seek after and have a close and intimate relationship with Him. That is our purpose – to be with our loving Father. Yet, we are given a choice to search and seek for Him, or we can search for something else to fill that place in our heart that was made for and by God.
Paul shares with the Greeks that in all our longing and searching for truth, it is all because we are looking for Him to fill us. He designed us to spend eternity with Him, but He also gave us free will, a choice of whom or what we will seek to fill that spot. But should we choose to seek after Him, He is not far – we will find Him. He is not some distant being unreachable or impersonal, but rather very much close to us and vital as the very air we are breathing.
God is assuring us of how much He desires to be with us. He is telling us that He is close even when He may seem distant. God desires that we seek Him and fill that longing with Him alone. He promises to satisfy every hunger and thirst we may have. It is not just decision we make once, but it is a daily decision to choose to follow God, to be filled with His Word and love, and to feel our way toward Him. He is waiting. Some questions I was led to ask myself:
What has taken up that place in my life that was meant for God?
What things do I need to surrender so that God can take His rightful place in my life?
Is there distance between me and God because I would rather seek other things out instead of Him?
Thank you, God, for desiring to be with us so much that you sacrificed your own Son so that we may have the opportunity to approach you as Father and King. Thank you for your Kingdom that we already dwell in and surround us with. I desire that my heart be filled with You and I choose to open it up for you alone. Help us to surrender those things in our life that has taken Your place. We chose to seek you knowing we will find You waiting for us. I love you and thank you so much for loving us so much! Thank you! In Your Name, Jesus, Amen!