“As for you, brothers, do not grow weary in doing good.”
— 2 Thessalonians 3:13 ESV
Paul advises the Thessalonians to continue in doing good. Why? They were most likely doing all they could to do good and followed the example Paul gave. However, the influence surrounding them to be idle or just do bare minimum was what Paul warned them against. Paul earlier talks about those who are idle should be encouraged to work. So, he encouraged the church in Thessalonica to keep doing good and not fall under the influence of those being idle.
It is easy to fall into the temptation to just take a break from doing good. It may sound strange but sometimes when we do something good, it may go unnoticed nor any appreciation given. After a while we may began to question if what we are doing has any purpose. We may think that it doesn’t matter or no one cares. But that is a lie. God notices all we are doing. And when we are obedient to continue to pursue goodness, our character will grow. Our faith will begin to grow stronger because we are focused not on doing things just to please our neighbor, but to please God.
What can we do to continue to do good?
We should make our purpose to do good not be for thanks, but because that is who we are in Christ. If our main reason why we do good is for thanks and praise, we will build an expectation of receiving thanks when we do something. When we don’t receive that “reward” for our service, we will grow tired of doing things. Our purpose is to serve others, and in Luke 17:10 it asks should the servant expect thanks when they do what they are supposed to do? No, but it is our duty to serve. Make our focus not on receiving thanks but on obeying God. God is pleased when we follow Jesus’ example of serving others. We should let our works be an expression of who we are in Jesus.
Jesus has given the ultimate sacrifice for us, though we were unworthy. He has paid the price of sin for us and given us a new life. In other words, our life was redeemed by Jesus, and out of gratefulness, we should be expressing our thankfulness through our works by serving others. Let that be our focus, pleasing Jesus who redeemed us.
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for setting the example for us about how to serve others and not grow weary of doing good. You could have sat back and let all creation serve you but you chose to serve your creation. We are so grateful for what you have done for us. Thank you for loving us so much! I ask that I am reminded of who I am serving and let me serve out of joy of being redeemed by You. I love you! In Your Name, Jesus!
– 2テサロニケ3:13 ESV
良いことをする目的を、感謝のためではなく、それがキリストにある私たちの姿だからとするべきです。良いことをする目的が感謝や賛美のためであれば、何かをしたら感謝されるという期待が生まれます。奉仕の「報酬」が得られないと、私たちは物事を行うことに疲れてしまいます。私たちの目的は人に仕えることですが、ルカ17:10では、「しもべは、自分がすべきことをしたら、感謝を期待していいのでしょうか?しかし、奉仕することは私たちの義務なのです。感謝を受けることではなく、神に従うことに焦点を当てましょう。私たちがイエス様のお手本通りに人に仕えると、神様は喜んでくださいます。 私たちの働きは、イエスにある私たちの姿を表すものであるべきです。
人に仕え、善を行うことに飽き足らず、私たちに模範を示してくださり、ありがとうございます。あなたは、すべての被造物があなたに仕えるのを黙って見ていることもできましたが、自分の被造物に仕えることを選びました。あなたが私たちにしてくれたことに、私たちはとても感謝しています。私たちをこんなにも愛してくださってありがとうございます 自分が誰に仕えているのかを思い出し、あなたに贖われた喜びから仕えることができるようにお願いします。私はあなたを愛しています。あなたのお名前で、イエス様