““What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked. “My Rabbi,” the blind man said, “I want to see!””
— Mark 10:51NLT
Bartimaeus believed that Jesus would listen to his plea and heal him. He came to Jesus with a heart like a child’s, expecting his Heavenly Father to care for him. There was no doubt when he called out to Jesus, even when the disciples tried to shut him up. He called out louder. He knew that Jesus had healed, and like the woman who touched the hem of His robe, he put his faith in Jesus hearing his voice.
What can we learn from Bartimaeus? 1) Speak up! Speak from the heart! When my kids come to me for something they want, they can be direct because I am listening. Sometimes, I can’t hear them because something is too loud or distracting me, but since they want something, they are intentional and persistent. We must be the same. Additionally, we need to be specific about what we want. Bartimaeus told Jesus specifically he wanted to see and added nothing else to it. The Bible warns us not to pray by speaking repetitive phrases, thinking we will be heard, “And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think they will be heard for their many words (Matt 6:7 ESV).
- Look to God with expectation. The man’s faith was in the expectation that Jesus would do what he requested. And in this case, Jesus heals this man’s sight. Are we looking to God with the hope that He will fulfill our prayers? I sometimes pray, feeling that God will probably not answer it, which is wrong. I need to have faith that He will answer and praise Him should it be in His will or even if He doesn’t fulfill my request. We cannot know all of God’s ways, but we have a loving Heavenly Father who sees our hearts and acknowledges our prayers.
Dear Heavenly Father praises to You! I am so grateful that we can come before You in the Name of Jesus. Thank you for loving us so much and for caring for us as your children. Thank you for answering our prayers and especially listening to us. Help me to pray according to Your will, and help me to see the direction You are leading me. In Your Precious Name, Jesus. Amen!
“何をしてほしいのか?” イエスは尋ねられた。”私のラビ、” 盲人は言った、”私は見たいのです!””
– マルコ10:51NLT
私たちはバルティマイから何を学ぶことができるだろうか?1) はっきり言う!心から話しなさい!私の子供たちが何か欲しいものを求めて私のところに来るとき、私が聞いているので、子供たちは直接言うことができる。時には、何かがうるさかったり、気が散って聞こえなかったりすることもある。私たちも同じでなければならない。さらに、私たちは自分が何を望んでいるのかを具体的に示す必要がある。バルティマイはイエスに、自分が見たいものを具体的に告げ、それ以外には何も付け加えなかった。聖書は、「祈るときには、異邦人がするように、空虚な言葉を重ねて祈ってはならない。