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I am not alone in this.


“Son of man, you are living among a rebellious people. They have eyes to see but do not see and ears to hear but do not hear, for they are a rebellious people.”

— Ezekiel 12:2


Although we may be able to physically see and hear, are we really seeing and hearing what really needs to be known? How often are our eyes and ears distracted by our smart devices or other things, that we miss who is in front of us or what is happening around us? We may be saying or thinking, “Why isn’t God around or speaking to me?” Perhaps we may be too distracted by our expectations that we miss what God’s answers are or what He is doing.


A couple of questions were posed to me. What am I refusing to see? What do I not want to hear? Answering these questions may be the very things that God wants me to address. I need to stop running from them and face them. I won’t be by myself, if God is asking me to face something, He will be with me through it even though I think it might be because the fear of having to face something alone keeps from hearing or seeing things. Jesus said He will be with us until the end of the age. He lives within me. Hebrews 13:5 says “He will never leave you nor forsake you.” I need to start trusting in Him more.


Dear Heavenly Father, Yahweh, I am grateful that you tell me and show me what I need to do. I confess I have sometimes refused to see or hear it because I am afraid of facing it alone. I humbly ask that you be with me to face the things before me and to do the things you ask me to do. Please forgive me. Please continue to show me your love and mercy for I will always need You to guide me through life. I love you and ask of this in Your Name, Jesus. Amen!



– エゼキエル12:2


私たちは物理的には見たり聞いたりすることができますが、本当に知らなければならないことを見たり聞いたりしているでしょうか。スマートフォンや他のものに気を取られて、目の前にいる人や周りで起こっていることを見逃してしまうことがよくあるのではないでしょうか?私たちは、”なぜ神は私の周りにいないのか、私に話しかけてこないのか “と言っているかもしれませんし、考えているかもしれません。もしかしたら、私たちは自分の期待に気を取られすぎて、神様の答えが何なのか、神様が何をしておられるのかを見逃しているかもしれません。





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