“I will give thanks to You, Lord, among the peoples, And I will sing praises to You among the nations. For Your mercy is great above the heavens, And Your truth reaches to the skies.”
— Psalms 108:3-4 NASB
When I look at all that I have been blessed with, known and unknown, I am filled with thanksgiving. I am filled with humbling gratefulness for what I truly do not deserve. The Lord’s mercy is higher than the heavens! It is beyond what we can comprehend! We deserve punishment and judgment, instead, we are given mercy. Things that we have done have been washed away in Jesus’s blood and we receive mercy. When we remind ourselves of all we have been forgiven and shown mercy for, what is our response? Our response should be praise! Our response should be giving Yahweh our heartfelt praise and shouts of thankfulness for what He has done!
I know I am a forgetful person. I am terrible with names. I soon forget the name of the person I just met unless I write it down or do some kind of name and association technique to remember. That only goes to show the very thing I felt the Lord wanted to remind me of.
- Remind yourself of what the Lord has done and is doing.
I know I can be so wrapped up in the situation that I forget God’s mercy. Recently, my daughter got caught up in an accident as she was riding home. A driver miscalculated and ended up hitting Malie’s bicycle causing her to fall and the front end of her bicycle to be warped. Thankfully, God protected her and the driver. Things were taken care of and my daughter is fine. That very situation made me stop and praise God for His mercy and protection. I kept on going on over the scenarios that could’ve happened. I praise God for what He did for my daughter.
- Praise and thank Him every day or several times a day.
I know I feel the most out of touch with God if I don’t praise Him in song or in heartfelt prayer. Just the other day I came across a beautiful song by Don Moen, entitled simply “Thank you, Lord.” If you would like to check it out this is the link:
Hence, we are in daily need to choose to praise Him as often as we can.
Thank you so much God Almighty for your love and mercy! Thank you for caring for us in ways we have seen and not seen. Thank you for your grace that covers over us and has made us worthy in your sight through Jesus’s sacrifice. Praise You Father, Yahweh! Praise and glory to you! We love you and ask of this in Your Name, Jesus Christ! Amen!
– 詩篇108:3-4 NASB
歌で賛美したり、心から祈ったりしないと、神様と一番離れているように感じるからです。先日、ドン・モーエンの「Thank you, Lord」という美しい歌に出会いました。もし、あなたがこの歌をチェックしたいならば、これはリンクです: