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He Remembers


“Yet I will remember the covenant I made with you when you were young, and I will establish an everlasting covenant with you.”

Ezekiel 16:60 NLT


Our loving Father has taken us from our unclean and helpless position and has brought us up to become purified and adorned in His love and affection. Despite this we soon  forget all He has done for us. We get lost in “our” lives and succumb to the pressures and pleasures of the world. We forget that “our” lives were purchased and we belong to God as we sell ourselves to things not meant to be our masters.

The Lord says, “Yet, I will remember the covenant I made with you when you were young…” This “yet” is saying amidst the betrayal, the sin, the going astray, He will remember His promise to us. And that promise, that covenant, was to for us to have life. The covenant that He will care for us. He will love, protect, and bring us up in His Love. Though we may have to go through discipline, it will be out of His love for us. It will be so that we turn to Him and cry out to Him.


Through Christ we have been made clean. We are righteous and adorned in His love. Though we may be going through trials and hardships, He remembers His promises to us. In response, we need to turn our hearts back to Him once again to be centered upon that love. Our love is no longer our own. We have been purchased by the blood of Christ. That means even when we feel lost and distant from God, He beckons to us to come to Him. Though we may have sinned and feel like God doesn’t want a sinner like me, He remembers that we are His children, completely loved and adored. Let us remember that who we are, is all because of Christ.


Dear Father who Remembers His covenant, we praise you for your love for us. As we live this life we will slip up and find ourselves lost sometimes. We ask for your forgiveness and thank you for remembering your love for us. Thank you for loving us though we may forget all you have done for us. Help us to live humbly in reverence of You. We praise you and thank you taking us out of our pitiful and wretched state, to join You in eternity all because you remember your covenant through Christ Jesus. Thank you! In Jesus’ Precious Name, Amen!



エゼキエル16:60 NLT






契約を覚えておられる父よ、あなたの私たちへの愛を讃えます。私たちはこの人生を生きていく中で、時には失敗したり、自分自身を見失ったりすることがあります。私たちはあなたの赦しを願い、あなたが私たちへの愛を覚えていてくださることを感謝します。あなたが私たちにしてくださったことを忘れてしまうかもしれませんが、私たちを愛してくださっていることに感謝します。私たちがあなたに敬意を表して謙虚に生きることができるように助けてください。私たちを哀れで惨めな状態から救い出してくださり、キリスト・イエスを通してあなたの契約を覚えていてくださったおかげで、永遠にあなたと一緒にいられることを感謝し、あなたを賛美します。ありがとうございます。In Jesus’s Precious Name, Amen!

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