‘In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises. Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with patient endurance, and patient endurance with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love for everyone. ‘
2 Peter 1:5-7 NLT
Peter writes to the early disciples of Christ instructions to grow in their faith. Earlier today, I was looking at how to grow Madagascar Jasmine. I looked at many sites and found that these plants do very well under the right conditions. Too much water, light, heat, cold, fertilizer, and so on could kill the plant or not allow it to produce the sweet-smelling flowers they are known for. As I read these scriptures, I was reminded that we too are blessed with the promises of God that allow us to share in a relationship with Him. However, if we subject ourselves to things that will hinder our growth, we will possibly fall away or not grow to the potential that we have. We all have some level of faith but what is the next step that will lead to your growth in Christ?
I think it is so easy to find myself wrapped up in progressing in my job, or hobby, or trade, or something in my daily routine. However, being intentional about growing in Christ, I sometimes, leave that last on the last. Sure, I will read and do devotions every day, but for intentional growth as Peter specifies, I need to get going. I have acquired much knowledge, but I need it to touch my heart and move that knowledge to my heart and then to my hands (actions.) Although I may know all these things to do, if I am not applying them intentionally, it is nothing but head knowledge that doesn’t go beyond that. I need to let it shape my behaviors more. What areas do I know the Lord has or is speaking to me about that I need to develop the corresponding action?
Thank you God Almighty for speaking your Word to us! Thank you for your promises and provision that we have hope in You and share in your divine nature. Help us to not only learn about You but with that knowledge deepen our relationship with you. Help us to apply what we learn and be intentional about growing in You! We love you and thank you with grateful hearts! In Your Precious Name, Jesus! Amen!
ペテロの手紙2 1:5-7 NLT
全能の神様、あなたの御言葉を私たちに語ってくださることを感謝します。私たちがあなたに希望を持ち、あなたの神性を分かち合うことができるように、あなたの約束と備えを感謝します。私たちがあなたについて学ぶだけでなく、その知識によってあなたとの関係を深めていくことができるように助けてください。学んだことを実践し、あなたの中で成長することを意図的に行えるように助けてください。私たちはあなたを愛し、感謝の心であなたに感謝します。あなたの尊い御名によって、イエス様! アーメン!無料版)で翻訳しました。