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God Can’t Be Bought


“But Peter replied, “May your money be destroyed with you for thinking God’s gift can be bought! You can have no part in this, for your heart is not right with God.”

— ‭‭Acts of the Apostles‬ ‭8‬:‭20‬-‭21‬‬NLT


Money is quite a powerful tool that allows us to purchase things to fulfill needs or wants. However, money cannot be used in the spiritual realm. Simon tried to use his money to purchase the power, “the know-how”, not to further the kingdom of God but rather his own desires to have the honor and prestige the apostles had. We cannot pay God to have blessings, exchange, or make deals with Him to gain His favor. Our currency lies with Jesus, whose blood paid for our freedom from sin and grants us the grace and mercy to live a sanctified life. No created thing on earth could have paid the price for God’s favor. Our heart needs to be in line with Christ’s that He will transform us. And through the gift that God bestows upon believers in Christ, we will experience the work of the Holy Spirit in us.

We can’t buy God to use Him as a tool for our benefit; instead, we exist for Him for His glory. He is not a genie to use as we please. As Peter ends verse 21, our hearts need to be right with God, and that can be achieved as we are transformed daily by the grace, mercy, and love of Jesus working in our lives and not by our works nor our money.


Let us keep our motives and hearts in check so we do not use God as a means to an end. This means being prayerful and honest about our requests from God. God desires that we come to Him with our requests. He is our heavenly Father who loves to hear from us. However, let our prayers be focused on His Will. He may show us our true motives through our asking.
Additionally, be honest before the Father. He already knows what is going on in our hearts and desires that we voice them to Him. I have learned to be specific in my asking. Often, my true motives are revealed. God cannot be bribed or sweet-talked into doing something for us. Let Him know what our request is, and allow Him to guide us in His will.


Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing us to come before You with our requests. Please break the lie that we can do things or offer things to earn your favor or blessings. Seal upon our hearts that through Jesus Christ, we are loved, blessed, and have received your grace and mercy, and we do not need to do anything but have faith in Jesus. As we are being sanctified in Jesus, help us to know Your will so that we may walk in your ways. I ask for your forgiveness when I have tried to make deals with you or used you as a genie. I repent. I love you and ask of this in Your Name, Jesus. Amen!




– 使徒の働き 8:20-21NLT








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