“‘Yes,’ the king replied, ‘and to those who use well what they are given, even more will be given. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.”
Luke 19:26 NLT
Jesus explains that we are all given blessings of talents, abilities, strengths, and resources. We are to operate out of these talents and abilities bringing glory to God through their use. When we operate in our strengths, we are able to do more and given even more responsibilities. However, misuse or not using what we are given, will inevitably be taken away. It is our responsibility to make sure we are in the process of discovering and applying all we have been blessed with for the glory of the Father.
It is also easy to sit and not use anything because of fear that what we have may be lost or we fail. But it is God who has given us these gifts for the very reason for us to use them for the Kingdom of God. God doesn’t want us to waste time on things He hasn’t given us nor on “wishing” we have been given something else instead. He has chosen certain gifts that are perfectly suited to each of us.
- Discover the gifts that has been given to us. There are different ways to discover these gifts, like taking a Spiritual Gifts Test or even looking at the things that you seem naturally inclined to. If not, ask God to point you in the direction of the gift set with which you are blessed.
- Apply your gifting, in small but intentional ways. This may be in changing your daily activities, priorities, and standards. It will often take discipline to stick with it, but talent without application equals nothing.
Dear God Almighty, Giver of Amazing Gifts, Thank you for blessing each of us with different talents and abilities. Help us to use these talents to bring glory to You and bring others to know You! Please help us to discover the talents you have blessed us with and also strengthen our resolve to be intentional about investing in the Kingdom of God through the talents you have blessed us with. Thank you again and we love You! In Your Name, Precious Lord Jesus! Amen!
ルカ19:26 NLT