“For I cried out to him for help, praising him as I spoke. If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. But God did listen! He paid attention to my prayer. Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer or withdraw his unfailing love from me.”
Psalms 66:17-20 NLT
““Oh no, sir!” she replied. “I haven’t been drinking wine or anything stronger. But I am very discouraged, and I was pouring out my heart to the Lord. Don’t think I am a wicked woman! For I have been praying out of great anguish and sorrow.””
1 Samuel 1:15-16 NLT
When was the last time that we have cried out to God in prayer? When was the last time that we have been on our knees in petition to God? God is not deaf! The heavens are not a steel-encased, soundproof room, rather it is a place that God walks with His people. When we cry out to God, He pays attention, says the Psalmist. How can our loving Father not hear our cries for help? He doesn’t ignore us, nor take away His love from us. He loves when we come to Him with open hearts and a surrendered heart. He longs for a deep and intimate relationship with us. He comes running when He hears us. He does answer when we call.
At least for me, many of my prayers are short prayers, often a whisper as I go throughout my day. I speak to God frankly especially about what I’m thinking or a thought that pops into my head. I think of it as chit-chatting with God throughout my day. Though it may seem like it is good, I do lack that deep intimate conversation with Him. I know my soul longs for it and my Father does too. He seems to only hear about the stress and complaints in my life and the occasional praise report. I am lacking depth in communion with God. And that is why I have felt led to these verses.
I need to be on my knees more often. I need to pour our my heart more and do less of chit-chat with God. He deserves more than just a short text or a brief hello just to check in. He deserves my heart. I have to ask, “What is keeping me from crying out to Him when He so desires to commune with me?”
God, Father, Dad, I come before you in Jesus name to thank you for never being too far to hear me. Thank you for never ignoring me or taking your love from me even though I know I do not deserve it. Thank You Jesus for all you went through to win over sin and death. Through that you have made a way for us to come before God to be able to pour out our hearts before Him.
I come before you now and confess that I haven’t been spending enough time with you. I confess that I have allowed other things to get in the way of spending time with you. I also confess my heartless chatter that I thought were prayers but just me rambling. Thank you for your patience with us and still desiring to have an intimate relationship with us. I praise and thank you so much God for your love! In Your Name Jesus! Amen!
詩篇66:17-20 NLT
第一サムエル1:15-16 NLT
神様、お父様、お父様、私はイエスの名のもとにあなたの前に来て、遠くにいても私の声を聞くことができないことを感謝します。私を無視したり、私が愛を受ける資格がないとわかっていても、あなたの愛を奪ったりしないことを感謝します。イエス様、あなたが罪と死を克服するために経験されたことを感謝します。そのおかげで、私たちが神の前に出て、心を打ち明けることができる道を作ってくださいました。私は今、あなたの前に来て、あなたと十分な時間を過ごせていないことを告白します。あなたと一緒に過ごす時間を、他のことに邪魔させてしまったことを告白します。また、祈りだと思っていた私の心ないおしゃべりが、ただのおしゃべりだったことも告白します。私たちを忍耐強く見守ってくださり、今でも私たちと親密な関係を築きたいと願ってくださっていることに感謝します。神様の愛を讃え、感謝します。In Your Name Jesus! アーメン