‘You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.’
Psalm 16:11 (ESV)
Being in communion with the Lord is where we will find our purpose, direction, and joy in life. We become in tune with His will and gain a greater sense of His guidance. Throughout each situation in life, we will draw from experiences and information we learned to deal with those situations. By becoming closer to God, we will be able to sense His guidance and direction through reading His Word, getting godly advice from those who look to usher you to The Lord, and of course, prayer. Even though we may face trials and challenges, our ears and heart will pick up on God’s leading the more we come closer to God. Amidst the challenges and letdowns, we will still be joyful because our confidence is in His presence. We will develop a faith that God has our best in mind.
When I lack in prayer, worship, and reading His Word, I quickly get into slumps. I do things thinking I know best, but being far from it. But when I am in His Word and praying, worshiping, and spending time with God, I notice I handle things better. I am less worried about something and more apt to do things I will not regret later. I find I have a better heart to deal with whatever it may be. Being more consistent in prayer, worship, getting into God’s Word will lead to better communion with the Father and, in turn, better communication with Him.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word to me this morning. I ask that you continue to let me know when I am lacking in spending quality time with You. I pray that I can be more consistent and intentional with spending time with You. Please continue to guide me on this path of life. I desire to follow you! I love you and ask of this in Your Name, Jesus! Amen!