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Come To the Father in Everything


“do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” — ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭6‬-‭7‬‬


Paul understood that trials, worries, and anxiety can push our lives off course. Therefore, he encourages us to bring it before God so we don’t have to battle it alone. He explains that we need to pray to God and lay them before Him with The genuine cries of our hearts. Pastor Tantan shared that we should pray honestly, communicating precisely what is on our minds with God. The Psalmists poured out their hearts to God, and even Job prayed out his pleas before God and was still found righteous compared to his friends. God already knows what is happening but wants to hear from us! He is a loving Father who desires us to come to him as often as we need. Paul says to go to Him in everything with prayer and supplication! He may not take us out of the situation, but He will be with us through it. His peace will surround us and keep us steady.


  1. Come to Him Often! I know that anxieties can creep into my thoughts even right after I have prayed. Additionally, nothing is too small to God. I know I love to hear from my kids about their day, even if it is just about something small. To them, it is important enough to share.
  2. Paul also tells us to come with thanksgiving as well. If we are only focused on the complaints and anxieties, we can grow into being joyless. I also need to be grateful for how God works in my life, lest I miss out on His care and answered prayers.
  3. Be Genuine. God loves to hear genuine prayers and not just a rehearsed and repeated bunch of words. I need to let my prayers be not just filled with empty words but words that truly express what I am going through.


Dear heavenly Father, I come before You in the Name of Jesus Christ. Thank you so much that we are given such a privilege not only to come before You but we are also called your children. I thank you for being patient with me when I am going through stuff in my life that is dragging me down. I praise You and thank you that You want to hear from me and desire honest talk. Thank you for being such a good Father! I love you and ask fo this in Your Name, Jesus! Amen!

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