[ クリスマス感謝献金 ]
ルカの福音書 2:11 新改訳
[ 振込先・・・ ]
・名義 ニューホープヨコハマ
振込例) クリスマス ホープ ヨコハマ
[ Special Christmas Thank Offering ]
「Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.」
Luke 2:11 NIV
New Hope Yokohama is currently accepting special chirstmas thank offering. Please find the detail of bank info as follows. If you have heart for offering, please kindly put the word “クリスマス” before the remitter name.
Bank name: Yokohama Bank
Branch name: Seya Branch
Branch code: 356
Swift Code: HAMAJPJT
Account type: Savings account
Beneficiary name: NEW HOPE YOKOHAMA
(example of remitter name) クリスマス Hope Yokohama