‘On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate. All your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord, and all your saints shall bless you! ‘
Psalm 145:5,10 ESV
The Psalmist is calling our attention to meditation on the things the Lord is doing and has done. He is calling to us to come to appreciate all the Lord has done and is doing in our lives. Too often do we have our eyes focused on what may happen later in our day or our schedule for the week. And too short is our attention on what God has before us now. And possibly, our focus is on what could happen that we lose our thankfulness for what God is doing and has done.
One of the IG influencers that I love to watch posted something about meditation. He talks about it is not all about wearing yoga pants, sitting on a yoga mat under a tree, contemplating nothingness. He makes the point that meditation does help him in every aspect of his life, including weight training. We too need to stop and begin to meditate upon the wondrous work of the Lord. As we begin to think upon it, our eyes begin to see what He has brought through and what He is doing. Henceforth, thankfulness will well up within us and we will pour out praises to God!
Stop. Meditate. Thank.
Too often does my head spin from all the things I have to do that I feel tired before even starting it. I need to take the time to stop, meditate, and thank the Lord for another day that I am alive to live out His plans for me.
Dear God Almighty, thank you so much for your words to me and others this morning. Help us to stop, meditate, and thank you for all you are doing and have done in our lives. This morning i felt so bogged down with all the things that I have to do that I soon forgot to stop and remember You. Thank you for this time I could spend reading your Word and meditating on it. I love you and I am so grateful for your mercy and grace. In Your Name Jesus, Amen!
詩篇 145:5,10 ESV