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“Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice! Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon.”
— Philippians 4:4-5 NLT


Paul wrote this stuck in prison. Not really one of the “happiest” places to be. Yet in this prison, he tells us to be joyful, not once but twice. Repeating this statement has the utmost significance. Our circumstances often dictate our emotions. When things are good, we are happy. When we are under stress, we can be angry. Yet, Paul urges us not to let our circumstances dictate our level of joy, rather we need to let our Hope be the determining factor. He continues to remind us to keep our lives in check because the Lord Jesus is coming back soon. If we are slacking in how we treat others and our assignment, we are warned, Jesus is coming soon! Not just to be “good people” but to share the Good News and live a life that glorifies the Lord.


1) We need to check what we focus our hope on. When what we hope for comes to pass, we are elated and happy! But if it doesn’t, we are often left in pain or grief. Paul tells us always to be joyful because the Lord is Coming Soon! That hope is true and will come to pass. When our main hope is in Jesus’s coming and promises, we can always have joy. Even if we fail at something, Jesus is coming and His grace and love are still there! Even when we face disputes, beyond through it and beyond it, there is joy in Jesus’s coming!

2) Am I slacking? I know that I could be sharing Jesus more than when I give sermons. How can I be sharing Jesus with others more? Additionally, is my life one of gentleness and consideration for others? I think my life reflects being a “nice Christian” but I feel God is urging me to reach out more because Jesus is coming soon. Let my eyes be open to the opportunities God Is providing!


Heavenly Father God Almighty,

Thank you so much for your Word to me this morning. Thank you for reminding us that Jesus is coming soon! Thank you for giving us real hope in Your Son’s return and thank you for Your grace, through Jesus Christ. Please help us to remain focused on the hope you offer that in any circumstance we can be joyful. We know in every situation, You still reign and are on the Throne of Heaven. We know that You are still God and we can trust in your promises. Help us to live lives that are intentional about serving You and sharing the Good News with others. Let our eyes be open to opportunities to share Jesus with all you set before us. I love you and ask of this in Your Name, Jesus. Amen!



– ピリピ人への手紙4:4-5 NLT




1) 私たちは、何に希望を集中させるかをチェックする必要があります。私たちが願っていることが実現すると、私たちは高揚し、幸せになります!しかし、そうでない場合、私たちはしばしば苦しみや悲しみの中に取り残されます。パウロは、「主がもうすぐ来られるのだから、いつも喜んでいなさい」と言います!その希望は真実であり、必ず実現するのです。私たちの主な希望がイエスの来臨と約束であるとき、私たちはいつも喜びを持つことができます。たとえ何かに失敗しても、イエスさまは来てくださるし、その恵みと愛はそのままです!争いに直面しても、それを乗り越え、それを超えても、イエス様が来てくださるという喜びがあります!

2) 私はサボっているのでしょうか?私は説教をするときよりも、もっとイエス様を分かち合うことができると思っています。どうしたら、もっとイエス様を他の人に伝えることができるのでしょうか?また、私の生活は、他者への優しさと配慮に満ちたものでしょうか。私の生活は「素敵なクリスチャン」であることを反映していると思いますが、神様は、イエス様がもうすぐ来られるのだから、もっと手を差し伸べるようにと促されているように感じます。神様が与えてくださる機会に、私の目を開かせてください!





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