LEX (言語交換 · Language Exchange)

英語や日本語を学ぶことに興味がありますか? 🙂
もし上記の質問で一つでも当てはまるものがあるのであれば、New Hopeの言語交換のイベントに参加してみませんか?このイベントは、無料で、国籍関係なく、言語を楽しく学びたいという人達が参加しています。参加者の年齢層は、大体18~40歳ですが、誰でも大歓迎です!
– 他の人や外国人に親切で敬意を払える人。
– ビジネス勧誘を目的とした参加はご遠慮ください。
– 出会い目的ではないこと。
– 楽しむ準備をしてきてください! 🙂
– 10:30 言語交換アクティビティ: 自己紹介の後、ゲームやディスカッションの練習をします。一緒に楽しみながら学びましょう!
– 11:30 近くのお店でテイクアウトのお弁当を買ってきて、部屋で一緒に食べる (任意参加)
– 12:30 この後、参加者の多くは近くのニューホープ教会で行われる礼拝に行く予定です。
Interested in learning English or Japanese? 🙂
Do you want to make friends while having fun learning a language?
Do you want to learn about other cultures?
If any of the above questions apply to you, come join New Hope’s language exchange event! These events are free and open to people of any nationality who want to learn a language in a fun way. The age range of participants is generally 18~40 years old, but everyone is welcome!
Conditions for participation
– Please be kind and respectful to others, including foreigners.
– Please refrain from participating for the purpose of soliciting business.
– Please do not come for the purpose of dating/flirting with others.
– Come prepared to have fun! 🙂
Event Details:
– 10:30 Language Exchange Activity: After introductions, we will play games and have a discussion practice. Let’s have fun and learn a lot together!
– 11:30 Get your own takeout lunch from a nearby shop and eat together in the room (attendance optional)
– 12:30 After this, for those who wish to attend, we will walk to the nearby New Hope Church service.
LEX will be held on the following dates:
- 1/12/2025 – Yokohama
- 1/26/2025 – Yokohama
- 2/09/2025 – Yokohama
- 2/23/2025 – Fujisawa
- 3/09/2025 – Yokohama
- 3/23/2025 – Yokohama