Giant Killers
‘These four Philistines were descendants of the giants of Gath, but David and his warriors killed them.’ 2 Samuel 21:22 NLT
David continued to go to war with the Philistines and in these battles they encountered giants like that of Golaith. David almost gets killed by one giant but one of his mighty warriors defeated him. What a stark contrast to leadership of Saul and David. Under Saul, the soldiers feared Golaith. No one but David stepped up to challenge and defeat this giant. Now under David’s leadership, his mighty warriors had no fear in challenging these giants they encountered. They took from David’s example that with God’s help, these giants though dangerous, but under the right leadership, they can be defeated. What leadership are you following? Are you reliant upon your own strength when you encounter giants?
We will all face giants in our life. These challenges are not our own but the Lord will be there to help you to face them. Through facing our giants we will be able to have a testimony that can encourage and help others defeat the giants in their life. In 2 Corinthians 1:4 reads, “who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” David’s mighty men were able to do this because they have seen and followed David’s example. Right now, we may be going through a struggle or challenge that could be intimidating. God is right there and will provide for you a way to overcome it. You may need to look to someone who has overcome what you are going through. Someone who can encourage and guide you through the process. Don’t try to take it on by yourself, but 1) Seek God’s counsel. Pray for wisdom and the strength to endure. 2) Seek other’s who have gone through similar situations. These people can be an incredible encouragement.
Dear Jesus, thank you that when we face challenges and “giants” you are there with us. Thank you for your provision of wisdom and help. We pray that you surround us with those who have gone through similar situations and can testify of your help. Please send people to encourage and protect us. We love you so much! Thank you for never letting us face it alone! In your Name, Jesus. Amen!
この四人のペリシテ人はガトの巨人の子孫だったが、ダビデとその戦士たちは彼らを殺した』。第二サムエル21:22 NLT
私たちは皆、人生の中で巨人に直面します。これらのチャレンジは私たち自身のものではありませんが、主があなたがそれに立ち向かうのを助けてくださいます。巨人に立ち向かうことによって、私たちは他の人を励まし、人生の巨人を打ち負かすのに役立つ証しをすることができます。第二コリント1:4には、「すべての悩みの中で私たちを慰めてくださる方、それは、私たち自身が神から受ける慰めによって、あらゆる悩みの中にいる人々を慰めることができるためです」と書かれています。ダビデの屈強な部下たちは、ダビデの模範を見て従ってきたからこそ、このようなことができたのです。今、私たちは、脅かされるような葛藤やチャレンジを経験しているかもしれません。しかし、神様はそこにいて、それを乗り越える方法を用意してくださいます。あなたが経験していることを克服した人に目を向ける必要があるかもしれません。その過程であなたを励まし、導いてくれる人がいるはずです。一人で抱え込もうとせずに、1)神様の助言を求めましょう。知恵と耐える強さを祈りましょう。2) 同じような状況を経験した人を探しましょう。このような人々は素晴らしい励ましとなります。