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Effective but Superficial


“I know all the things you do, and that you have a reputation for being alive – but you are dead. Wake up! Strengthen what little remains, for even what is left is almost dead. I find that your actions do not meet the requirements of my God. Go back to what you heard and believed at first; hold to it firmly. Repent and turn to me again. If you don’t wake up, I will come to you suddenly, as unexpected as a thief. Revelations 3:1b-3 NLT


The church of Sadis looked so good on the outside but was so corrupt on the inside.

They had a reputation for being active, but they were infested with sin.

God is calling them back. Back to the basics of Christian faith.

Although, get deeper into the Word is good and very important, no new revelations, no new truths from God will ever contradicts the fundamental teaching of the Bible.

Going back to the basics, helps us to clear up the mind and remember what is really important, what is really the essence of the message of the gospel.


Our deeds may show to others that we are alive, that we are producing fruits, but God knows out hearts. He knows what we are hiding, who we are in closed doors, in our secret.

When no one is looking, that is who we truly are.

Do we pray, when no one is looking?

Do we read the Word, when no one is looking?

Do we allow the Spirit to guide us, when no one is looking?

What are we doing when no one is looking.

An effective ministry, although has results, it can be superficial and dead.

Going back to the basics of our faith can bring us back on track.

Today, when I was walking here, I was praying and asking: “LORD, is what am I doing here in Japan, your will? Am I following the Holy Spirit directions for my ministry? What are the things I need to do here?”

And today’s devotion, combine with yesterday’s one, shows me that:

  1. Even if my ministry isn’t effective, it does not mean that I am doing something wrong, or I am far from what God is asking me to do.
  2. Even if my ministry is effective, it does not mean that my relationship with God is on top!

The reputation or effectiveness of a ministry is measurement or cannot judge a person’s relationship with the Lord.


LORD, I want to spend more time with you, relearning the basics so I won’t be drifted away when discovering new things about you. Help me to always have a unshakable foundation in you. In Jesus’ name, I pray.

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