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What do I desire?

Scripture: “For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.” – Galatians 5:17

Observation: This verse highlights the ongoing struggle between our earthly desires and our spiritual aspirations. The flesh represents our human nature, which often seeks immediate gratification and self-interest. In contrast, the Spirit guides us towards righteousness and self-control. This internal conflict is a common experience for believers, reminding us that following the Spirit requires conscious effort and discipline.

The nature of this conflict is a battle between the “desires” (epithumia) of the Spirit and the flesh (sarx). The term “epithumia” literally means an “over-desire,” an all-controlling drive and longing. This is crucial because the main problem our heart has is not so much desires for bad things, but our “over-desires” for good things. This “over-desire” turns what was “good” into an “idol” which drives and controls us. Sin creates in us the feeling that we must have this, or that, or the other. The sin underneath all sins—the motive for our disobedience—is always a lack of trust in God’s grace and goodness, and a desire to protect and guard our own lives through self-salvation. Our “flesh” (sarx) “over-desires” what is in itself good and turns it into a controlling idol from which we expect “salvation.”

Application: Where do I see this conflict in my own life? Are there habits or desires that pull me away from my commitment to God? In what do I put my ultimate hope? From where do I take my identity?

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for the guidance of your Spirit. Help me to recognize the areas where my desires are not in line with your will. Grant me the strength and wisdom to choose the path of the Spirit by trusting You. May my actions reflect your love and righteousness. Help me to identify and let go of any over-desires that have become idols in my life. Teach me to trust in your grace and goodness above all else. Amen.


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