So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, “We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.” (Luke 17:10 NIV)
There are a few things topics I notice here in this text:
(1) it starts with Jesus teaching about forgiveness, that we must forgive who is doing wrong to us, even if it is in a repeated cycle. The disciples knows that is not easy, so they ask Jesus to increase their faith so they can do that. So, one thing to be that we should not boast nor expect to receive something back from the LORD when we forgive another person. It is what he has told us to do, so we must.
(2) when we follow the LORD’s instruction for our lives, are we expecting something back from him? His blessings, his gratitude, his thankfulness, because we are doing “good”? Are we inverting the positions of who is the servant and who is the master in our relationship with the LORD? Some people behaves God is there to serve them, and not the other way around.
Our God is a Loving Father who cares for us, and indeed, He blesses us every day. But sometimes our attitudes shows that we are more like a spoiled kid, who thinks dad is there to serve us.
Our attitude with our LORD should be not be as servants who seeks to be pleased by the LORD, but who works for his kingdom as an unworthy servant, not because of what we could get from Him, but because:
I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” (Lamentations 3:24 NIV)
Heavenly Father, thank you for this day. It is been a busy week, but remind me every day that I am an unworthy servant, and whatever I do for your kingdom, it is not for applauses, or recognition, but it is because you are telling me to do, and just to be part of what you are doing, it is more than enough. In Jesus’ name, I pray.
Topics: #forgiveness #servant