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The power of giving thanks

“Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them. Then he gave them to the disciples to distribute to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.”
– Luke 9:16-17 (NIV)
In this passage, Jesus performs a remarkable miracle with just five loaves of bread and two fish. He gives thanks to God before distributing the food, and it miraculously multiplies to feed over five thousand people. Despite the initial scarcity, everyone is satisfied, and there are even leftovers—twelve basketfuls. This demonstrates God’s abundant provision and the power of gratitude and faith.
1. Gratitude: I want to cultivate a habit of thanking God for what I have, no matter how small it may seem. Gratitude shifts my focus from scarcity to abundance and opens the door for God’s blessings.
2. Faith: I trust that God can take what little I have and multiply it to meet my needs and the needs of others. When I put my faith in Him, He can work miracles in my life.
3. Generosity: Just as Jesus shared the loaves and fish with the crowd, I am called to share my blessings with others. Generosity can have a ripple effect, bringing satisfaction and abundance to many.
I will consider keeping a gratitude journal, noting daily blessings, and expressing thankfulness in my prayers. I trust that God will provide for my needs and be generous with what I have.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your abundant provision in my life. Help me to always be grateful, trusting in Your power to multiply even the smallest of my resources. Teach me to be generous and to share Your blessings with others. May my faith grow stronger as I witness Your miracles. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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