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The Feet Before Me


25 Jesus said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors. 26 But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves. 27 For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who is at the table? But I am among you as one who serves. Luke 22:25-27 NIV


Just after having the last supper with Jesus, the disciples began arguing about who the greatest disciple was. Right before the last supper, Jesus led with an example of servanthood by washing the disciples’ feet. How could the disciples resort to such an argument? Quite possibly, since they began to argue about who would betray Jesus, they pushed the blame away from them by stating how important or much better they were compared to the others. But Jesus, ushering them back to His example, states that it isn’t about who is the greatest. Instead, it is about the one who serves. It is about the one who humbles themselves before others and doesn’t “Lord it over others.”

It is easy to fall into comparing ourselves to others, belittling those under ourselves, or denigrating ourselves in the face of those above us. Jesus is telling us not to do this. Instead, we are commanded to follow His example of serving others and being humble. For in the Kingdom of Heaven, it isn’t about how many cars we have or how much power we have. It doesn’t matter how many followers on IG we have or even how much money we have in the bank. Jesus desires our eyes to be upon the very feet before us as we wash others’ feet in humble servanthood. Admittedly, this is not an easy position after being influenced by the world around us. But Jesus calls us to follow His lead.


These verses tell me to consider what I put before others or what keeps me from “serving” others. I need to consider how important something is that would prevent me from serving someone. Is my free time more important, or could I use it to help others? Is watching something on my smartphone so vital that I can’t put it down to talk with my son? I need to reprioritize the value of things in numerous situations in my life.


Jesus, please help me to see value in serving others over my selfish desires or even over “Lording it over others.” I ask for your forgiveness. Thank you for sharing this valuable gem of wisdom with me. I choose to set my eyes upon the feet of those who are there for me to serve. Thank you for being our example of what it means to serve others. I love you and ask of this in Your Name, Jesus. Amen!



25 イエスは彼らに言われた。「異邦人の王たちは民を支配し、権威を振るう者たちは自分たちを恩人と呼ぶ。 26 しかし、あなたがたはそうであってはならない。むしろ、あなたがたのうちでいちばん偉い者は、いちばん若い者のようになり、いちばん支配的な者は、仕える者のようにならなければならない。 27 食事の席に着いている者が、仕える者より偉いのだろうか。 そうではない。しかし、わたしは、仕える者のひとりとして、あなたがたの間におりたのだ。 ルカによる福音書22:25-27(新改訳








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