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Stay Humble and He will Guide You


He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way.     Psalm 25:9 ESV


I felt that the Holy Spirit said that if I genuinely desire God to lead me and show me His will and way, then I must be humble. If I cannot let go of my motives and will as I approach the Lord, I am only looking for God’s confirmation and not really listening otherwise. When I come before the LORD, I should be confident that I am welcomed into the King’s throne room. However, my heart and mind should be put into a position of humility. I am not just marching in and making demands; I am here to have my heart and mind open to His will and commands. If I am too wrapped up in how things should be, my heart and mind are closed to God’s leading and way.


When I approach God, I need to really learn to let go of my own will and way if I am truly seeking the Lord’s guidance. One area I can do that is in my prayer life. It is genuinely His mercy and grace that I can approach the Holy God Almighty in the name of His Son, Jesus. I am not coming in my own name. So I need to learn to sit at His feet and surrender. Before I pray, I need to quiet my heart and focus all my attention on Him. Prayer is basically a conversation. I am talking to my Heavenly Father and need to listen. 


Dear Heavenly Father, I come before You and ask that you teach me and guide me. I ask that You set off alarms in my mind and heart when I am too prideful or full of myself. I seek Your Way in my life, and I humble myself before you. Teach me your ways that I may walk with You. Guide me in Your truth and direct me toward where You are. I love you and ask of this in Your Name, Jesus. Amen.



主は、へりくだる者を正しいことに導き、へりくだる者にその道を教えられます。    詩篇 25:9 ESV







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