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Praise Him!


“Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant, and a song of praise is fitting.”

— Psalm 147:1 ESV


The psalmist reminds himself and all who read this that praise is what we are designed to do. Our Creator deserves our praise. We are called to sing out! Let our praise come from the depths of our hearts and spirits! By praising God, we are allowing God to fill us with His Spirit and Truth. Praise Him even though my singing doesn’t sound good. Praise Him even if I don’t know all the words. Let my spirit pour out praise onto God, for it befits Him!


Take more time out to spend praising God. Not only that, but let all that I am doing be praise unto Him! Remember, in heaven  praising Him is all I will be doing! Let my who day be one that is glorifying Him.  Psalm 121:8, which says, “The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” God knows all we are doing throughout our day, so let all that He sees be praised and worshipped unto Him!


Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise be to You, Lord God Almighty! Thank you for this day! Thank you for allowing me to rise to this day! Thank you for all you are doing in our lives. Thank you for knowing each and every one of us. Although you have named all of the stars, you still have concern over each individual person who fears and hopes in You! Thank you! In Your Name, Jesus! Amen

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