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No favoritism please


“My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism.” – James 2:1 (NIV)


In this passage, James addresses the issue of favoritism within the Christian community. He emphasizes that believers in Jesus Christ should not show partiality or favoritism. This means treating everyone equally, regardless of their social status, wealth, or appearance. James goes on to explain that showing favoritism is inconsistent with the faith in Jesus, who values all people equally.


Reflecting on this scripture, I am reminded to examine my own attitude. Do I treat people differently based on their outward appearance or social standing? As followers of Christ, we are called to love and respect everyone equally. This means being mindful of our actions and ensuring that we do not favor one person over another. In our daily lives, we can practice this by being inclusive, showing kindness to everyone, and standing against any form of discrimination or prejudice.


Dear Lord, thank You for reminding me of the importance of treating everyone with love and respect. Help me to see people through Your eyes and to avoid showing favoritism. May my lives reflect Your love and grace to everyone I encounter. Amen.


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