“Tax collectors and other notorious sinners often came to listen to Jesus teach. This made the Pharisees and teachers of religious law complain that he was associating with such sinful people—even eating with them!”
— Luke 15:1-2 NLT
Being included in something that otherwise you would not be, is such a great feeling! I remember the first time I preached. “Am I going to be asked?”, I thought as our ministry leader announced the speakers for the next month. “Nope. I guess next time.” The time never came. I had always desired to share God’s Word but was never given the opportunity to. A year or so later, having moved to Japan, I returned home and visited my ministry friends long since the group disbanded. The leader was still around and I will never forget when he said, “Hey, would you like to speak this Sunday at church?” How overjoyed I was to be asked!
Being part of something that you feel only select people can do feels great! Jesus gathered around outsiders and sinners. He talked and dined with them and taught them wisdom that only the privy were allowed to learn. Later in this chapter, Jesus teaches us that he came for the lost, the outsider, the untouchable, unclean, unnoticed, and outcast. We, too, were excluded due to our sin and shame, but Jesus still extends an invitation to sit and dine with him.
Jesus reveals what it should be like for those of us who call ourselves Christians. We are not higher or more special than others just because we are now sons and daughters of God. In fact, the rest of this chapter goes on to give the Pharisees as an example. They seemed to be the exclusive group who had a market on God, if there was such a thing.
I am not better than someone else because I have been freed from my sin and shame, my position, or anything else that I have or am. I am a son of God who was given the opportunity to sit at His feet. I should be the first and most open-hearted to usher more people to Christ. Yes, I know I have my own hang-ups, but this should be a priority and focus while I am here on earth.
Some questions to ask myself:
- Do I think I am too good enough to sit at Jesus’ feet? No, not at all. I know I have much to learn. Yet, there are certain times when my heart gets hardened because I have heard that story a few times, and it doesn’t seem to hit or apply to me. Dangerous thought, I admit. Let my heart still be open and ready to receive by digging deeper. Gems are not found on the surface, they are found by digging in the right places and more often than not, you got to dig DEEP! Pray through the Scriptures and look, expecting God to reveal something!
- Would I be able to do the same as Jesus? This question is quite tough to answer. That is my heartfelt prayer to be one to share God’s Word and love with anyone and honestly love them as Christ does. I admit there are times when I have judged others because they didn’t think like, look like, or agree with me. May my judgemental heart be refined to have the same heart of Christ.
Dear Jesus, thank you so much for loving us all and putting no one aside who truly seeks You. Thank you for your sacrifice on the cross, which has freed us from sin and shame. I ask that You refine my heart to be more like Yours. I choose to humble myself to seek Your Words; please reveal your wisdom to me so that I may be a conduit to share Your Message. Thank you for your patience with us and for allowing us to come to You. I love you and ask for a changed heart to be more like You. in Your Name, Jesus. Amen!
– ルカ15:1-2 NLT
- 私はイエスの足元に座るには十分すぎると思っているのだろうか?いいえ、そんなことはありません。私には学ぶべきことがたくさんある。でも、その話を何度か聞いたことがあるのに、自分にはピンとこなかったり、当てはまらなかったりして、心が硬くなるときがある。危険な考えであることは認める。私の心はまだ開いていて、深く掘り下げることによって受け取る準備ができている。宝石は表面で見つかるものではなく、適切な場所を掘ることで見つかるものだ!聖書を通して祈り、神が何かを啓示されることを期待しながら見てみよう!
- 私はイエスと同じことができるだろうか?この質問に答えるのは難しい。神の御言葉と愛を誰とでも分かち合い、キリストと同じように彼らを素直に愛することができる者になること、それが私の心からの祈りだ。他人が私と同じように考え、同じように見え、同じように思わないからといって、私が他人を裁いたことがあることを認めます。私の裁く心がキリストの心と同じように磨かれますように。