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In His Tent


Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord?

Who may enter your presence on your holy hill?

Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right,

speaking the truth from sincere hearts. Psalm 15:1-2 NLT


David uses language that speaks of the customs of the people of that time who would live in tents. The ESV uses the word of “sojourn” or to visit. According to custom in those times, visitors were welcomed guests, and according to Bible commentator Mclaren,“In the gracious hospitality of the antique world, a guest was sheltered from all harm; his person was inviolable, his wants all met. So the guest of Jehovah is safe, can claim asylum from every foe, and share in all the bountiful provision of His abode.”

What a desirable picture David paints of being a welcomed guest in God’s tent! What a wonderful blessing it must be to be in God’s presence! David longs to be in God’s presence and spend time with Him, as Moses did in meeting God in the Tabernacle.

While not everyone can be in the full glory of God without being judged based on their sins, we have a high priest who allows all of us to approach God: Jesus Christ. Although we are sinful and unworthy to come before the Holy God, through Jesus, we are allowed to come into His throneroom. For when God looks at those in Christ, He sees Jesus.

Let us desire to be in the presence of the KING. Let us desire to enter into His tent to be protected and provided for. And let us remember it is all because of Jesus, that this is possible.


What a desire desire David had to dwell with God. To experience the glory of God like Moses did. To know, walk, and be in the Presence of God Almighty. Too easily do I trade that desire to have small comforts and fleeting moments of satisfaction that the world provides. Let my desires be wrapped up so much in being in the presence of God, that my worries melt away and my mind is only on being with our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. Let me chase not after worldly satisfaction, but everlasting riches in Christ. Let me be able to rest my worries in Him. Let me always be grateful to be able to come to God’s throne room because of Jesus, so I can commune with our Heavenly Father.


Dear Heavenly Father, praise be to You! Thank you so much for Jesus that we are allowed to come before You and be in Your Presence. Help us to remember that it is because of Jesus and not because of our own worthiness or deeds. Thank you for your patience as we are being sanctified to be more like Jesus. We love You and ask of this in Your Name, Jesus! Amen!

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