4 Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first.
— Revelation 2:4
The highlights of the Ephesus’ church was their good deeds, their hard work, and their perseverance. They were able to expose the false apostles and with perseverance endured the hardships for Christ’s name, never giving up.
Looking at a church like that, we might think they were a healthy growing church.
But Christ reveals that they have fallen very far, because of one thing: they have abandoned the love they had at first.
This is a very personal question, which everyone will have a different journey but for me: How am I compared with when I started my journey of faith?
I am sure I changed a lot since then.
I probably understand the Word much better than when I first started… I probably have a better discernment that can help others during concealing… I had learn a lot skills to help the church… I keep in developing the gifts of the Spirit in my life…
But when I look back, I think I am not as intense or passionate when it comes to spending a separated time with the LORD, as I was when I first started, when I was a teenager. I could give a lot of excuses on that (because a lot has changed during the years): family routine, responsibilities, work, tasks to finish, ministry, etc…
But the truth is that I miss the time of nothing else but me and the LORD. Apart of the time for writing devotions, messages, studying the Word or a time of prayer, but, to literally stop everything, calm down my heart and with no distractions or worries, to be quiet and open my ears to hear the LORD speaking to my life.
I think I make myself always busy, created methods for a spiritual check list, that I forget the good that comes with a quiet time, no schedule, no time to finish.
I love the LORD, deeply and truthfully.
I must make a priority, stop my methodologies, and diving in into the presence of the LORD and let him lead even in my quiet time.
Lord, may the love that I had it first, helps me to always drive me back to your presence, to the innocence and worry free as a child have, to just be with you. The year is almost finished. I pray that 2025 will be even better than 2024 was. Thank you for the life and the blessings you gave me. In Jesus’ name, I pray.