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Confidence to Come Before God


“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” — ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4‬:‭15‬-‭16‬‬ESV


I’m reminded that God knows what we are suffering and struggling with, for He has gone through what we are going through. We may have the image that God knows what we go through, but only from a distance. But Paul reminds us that Jesus has been through all the temptations we have gone through and remained sinless. How amazing is it that we can approach God covered by the blood of Christ and given grace? It is incredible that we, not worthy by anything we can do for our salvation, can approach God Almighty for help in time of need. That need is not only when we are going through trouble but anytime and anywhere. Hallelujah!


Come to God in confidence! Even in times when we have sinned and feel like we are not worthy to come to God, Come to God in confidence! Not in a self-righteous way, but in awe and fear. God offers His mercy and grace in our time of need. So I need to come to Him. Have I spent time in prayer and worship? I know I have, but I need to make it more often and always know that He knows my weaknesses, and yet He still offers me love, grace, and mercy because of Jesus! As it says many times in Hebrews, if we hear His voice, harden not our hearts! My heart will grow hard when I do not come to God but choose to do things my way when I try to earn my own salvation.


Lord, thank You for Your amazing grace and mercy. Thank You that I can come to You, not based on my own righteousness, but through the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Help me to approach Your throne with confidence, knowing that You understand my struggles and weaknesses, and that Your grace is sufficient for all my needs. I ask of this in Your Name, Jesus!



「私たちには、私たちの弱さを思いやることのできない大祭司がいるのではなく、あらゆる点において、私たちと同じように誘惑を受けながら、罪を犯さずにおられる方がいるのです。憐れみを受け、必要なときに助けられる恵みを見いだすためです。」 – ヘブル4:15-16ESV








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