A sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell along the path and was trampled underfoot, and the birds of the air devoured it. And some fell on the rock, and as it grew, it withered away, because it had no moisture. And some fell among the thorns, and the thorns grew up with it and choked it. And some fell into good soil and grew and yielded a hundredfold. Luke 8:5-8 ESV
This is one of the most popular verses that we often hear in sermons. There are many ways to interpret this parable because it fits so many situations within our Christian walk. It can talk about evangelizing the Good News, and it could even be talking about our walk with Christ. Today, I felt that this parable talks about our own hearts and receiving God’s Word. We often get into routines in our lives that make “paths” in our lives. These hardened roadways, of our daily routines are scattered with the Words of God but ignored because we are too busy or even have become insensitive, and even choosing other things over spending time with God. The rock soil is considered times we are inspired by the Word of God, yet without any follow-up, any action, or obedience to what God is saying, that seed sprouts and dies. In reference to the thorns, we are overcome with worries and anxieties. Basically, we are trying to control our lives and not trusting in God; the Word of God gets choked out and dies, KO. Finally, the heart that is moistened and receptive to the seed, the good soil, is when we have hearts surrendered to Christ, open to the Holy Spirit; this is where the crops of hundredfolds are born!
- Stop and listen. We are so busy that we can’t hear the voice of God. We are so focused on our schedules, our self-talk, our problems, and our work that drives us forward that we lose time with God. The Bible says that we should put Him first, and all other things will be added to us. Let us make time in our lives to intentionally stop and listen.
- Repent: Softening our hearts. There are hard parts in our hearts from hurts, unanswered prayers, laziness, prcrastination, undealt with sins, etc. Confess and repent before God. Share the pains that you have, the thoughts you harbor, the images in your mind that keep you from God. You will see that the very tears shed are the ones that will soften those hard spots and nourish the seed.
- Surrender. We cannot keep trying to have a backup plan with God. As Christians, we have died to our past, which includes what used to be our master, which is sin. We are under new leadership, and his yoke is light and easier to bear than us trying to do it ourselves. It isn’t easy; I know I vacillate between trying to do things my way and figuring it out with my wisdom. But God is calling us to trust in Him. Trust that with Him, the outcome is always for our good. Surrender to God and allow His Words to come to bear fruit in our lives.
Heavenly Father, God Almighty,
Thank you for sharing this Word with me this morning. I pray that we will all have ears ready to hear, hearts fertile, and ready to receive Your Word. Please point out areas in our hearts that are hardened to Your Word. Thank you for always speaking to us and having Your best in mind for us! Allow us to be fields overflowing with the fruits of the Spirit! In Your Name, Jesus. Amen!
種をまく人が種をまきに出かけた。彼が種を蒔くと、あるものは道に落ちて足で踏みつけられ、空の鳥がそれを食った。また、あるものは岩の上に落ちたが、水分がなかったので、成長しても枯れてしまった。また、あるものはいばらの中に落ち、いばらはそれといっしょに伸びて、それを窒息させた。また、あるものは良い土に落ち、成長して百倍の実を結んだ。ルカ8:5-8 ESV
このたとえ話は、私たちが説教でよく耳にする最もポピュラーな聖句の一つである。このたとえ話は、私たちクリスチャンの歩みの中で非常に多くの状況に当てはまるので、解釈の仕方がたくさんあります。福音を伝道することについても語られているし、キリストとの歩みについても語られている。今日、私はこのたとえ話が、私たち自身の心と神の言葉を受け取ることについて語っていると感じた。私たちはしばしば、自分の人生に 「道 」を作るような生活習慣を身につける。私たちの日課であるこれらの固まった道には、神の御言葉が散りばめられているが、私たちは忙しすぎたり、あるいは鈍感になったり、神と過ごす時間よりも他のことを選んだりしているために、無視されている。岩の土とは、私たちが神の御言葉に触発されたにもかかわらず、何のフォローアップも、何の行動も、神が語っていることへの従順もなく、その種が芽を出し、枯れてしまう時を指す。茨は、私たちが心配事や不安に打ちひしがれている状態です。基本的に、私たちは自分の人生をコントロールしようとしており、神を信頼していない。最後に、種、すなわち良い土壌を潤し、受け入れる心とは、キリストに心を委ね、聖霊に心を開いているときである!
悔い改める: 心を柔らかくする。私たちの心には、傷ついたり、祈りがかなえられなかったり、怠け癖があったり、先延ばしにしていたり、未処理の罪があったりして、硬い部分がある。神の前で告白し、悔い改めなさい。あなたが抱えている苦しみ、抱いている思い、あなたを神から遠ざけている心の中のイメージを分かち合いなさい。涙を流すことで、硬い部分が柔らかくなり、種に栄養が与えられることがわかるだろう。