‘Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ. ‘
Galatians 6:2 NASB
This verse is preceded by Paul calling Christians to restore each other in the spirit of gentleness when we are in sin. Likewise, we are also to be vigilant of our own shortcomings as well so as to not fall to temptations as well. God has blessed us with a specific set of strengths and abilities that help us to shoulder the “burdens” we have. However, these burdens can become too heavy to bear by ourselves so we need to support one another in “shouldering the burden.”
Yes, Paul says later in Galatians 6:5 that we must carry our own load, but when it becomes too much for ourselves to bear, we need to be able to turn to others for help and also, in turn, help others with their burdens. God did not want us to do everything on our own and that is why He placed in church families to help each other, pray for each other, and support and encourage one another.
We should be able to be open to one another in times we are feeling overwhelmed and our burden may be too heavy to bear on our own. It requires us to remain humble to ask others for help. We are not made nor designed to go through this life on our own. I know I have difficulties with this and think I can do everything on my own, only to feel frustrated and alone in my fight. I know I can’t do it alone but perhaps I am too prideful or too embarrassed to burden someone else. Yet, over and over again, I know there are so many people in the church who are willing to help and come alongside me to help.
Also, we need to be open to helping others. People may not always tell you what they need help with, but asking them if they need prayer might just be the avenue that opens the door to healing. Do not be afraid to open ourselves up to be available for others.
Dear heavenly Father, thank you so much for your Church. Thank you for the family that is always open to helping others out, praying for others, caring for their needs, etc. Thank you for your blessing of time, finances, and opportunities to serve one another. Help us to be open to others and also be open about the burdens we have. I pray for your strength, wisdom, love, and provisions for all we need to support each of those you have placed in our lives. Help them to come to know you more and praise You! We love you and ask of this in Your Name, Jesus. Amen!
ガラテヤ6:2 NASB
この節の前に、パウロはクリスチャンに、私たちが罪を犯したときには、やさしさの精神で互いに修復し合うように呼びかけています。同様に、私たちも誘惑に陥らないように、自分の欠点に注意する必要があります。神様は、私たちが「重荷」を背負うことができるように、特定の長所や能力を私たちに与えてくださっています。しかし、その重荷は自分一人で背負うには重すぎることがあるので、互いに支え合って “重荷を背負う “必要があるのです。
また、私たちは他人を助けることにオープンである必要があります。人々はいつもあなたに助けを求めているとは限りませんが、祈りが必要かと尋ねることは、癒しへの扉を開く道となるかもしれません。 他の人のために自分を開放することを恐れてはいけません。